Azrael Reaper

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~Azrael-4 years old~

A small child came bouncing down the steps, "Hi mommy." The woman in the kitchen looked down at the small child, she picked him up and placed him on her hip. "Hey, my little bundle of joy." The child squirmed out her grasp and grabbed her hand, "Follow me." The child dragged the woman into the backyard, "Look! Look!" The child jumped around, pointing at the air, "What is it honey?" "Can't you see him?" The child looked up to the man next to him, he was wearing a suit and looked very old. "His name is Grim." The woman nodded her head, just thinking this was one of his imaginary friend. She wove to the air, in the direction of where her son had pointed, "Hello Grim, I'm Azrael's mother."

~Azrael-5 years old~

Azrael sat up in his bed, talking to the man in the suit. "Grim?" Grim snapped his head in Azrael's direction, "Yes child." "Are you real?" "Of course, I'm real." Azrael shifted in the bed, "Then why can't anyone see you?" Grim looked out the window, staring off into space, he took a deep breathe. "I think it's time for you to go to bed." Grim stood up and grabbed the blankets, he covered up Azrael. "Goodnight kid." He ruffled Azrael's hair and disappeared. As Grim disappeared a new person came into the room, Azrael was sleeping, unaware of the man standing over him. This man wasn't a man but an archangel his name was Lucifer.

~Azrael-7 years old~

Azrael sat in class as the other kids played outside, he was drawing in his notebook. He couldn't be bothered to go out and play, he occasionally glanced out the window and looked at the other kids running around, being silly. He drew many things, trees, random objects, even the shadows he saw in his room at night. He wasn't a very good drawer but you could still at least tell what the things were.

He stood outside waiting for his mother to come pick him up, he could feel eyes on him. He looked around, laying his eyes on a certain tree. On that tree was a couple of his drawings pinned up, pinned up like an art museum. But instead of the kids admiring them, they were laughing at them.  

Azrael ran into his room, shut his door, and fell onto his bed. He grabbed his pillow and cried into it; his sobs echoed the room. Grim teleported into the child's dark room, he sat next to Azrael and rubbed his back. "What's wrong child?" Azrael sat up, pillow in lap, "Some kids at school were bullying me for my drawings." Grim rubbed his back in comfort, he tried to control the rising anger in his stomach. "I just wish they were dead."

~Azrael-10 years old~

Azrael ran, his mom died last night and he blamed it on himself. He ran into the woods not caring where he was going, he just wanted to run away. Eventually his lungs started to give out and he needed to rest, he stopped and sat down against a weeping willow. He took a deep breath and the tears rolled down his cheeks, "Hey Kid." Azrael looked up and saw Grim, "Oh, hey Grim." Grim sat down next to the boy and looked over to him, "You're a long way from home you know. Did you get lost?" Azrael stood up, no longer wanting to talk to the man. "Azrael? Are you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine." Grim knew what was wrong, he was the one to guide Azrael's mother to the afterlife. "Let me show you something." Azrael stopped and followed Grim until they got to an odd-looking mansion in the woods, Grim knocked on the door and disappeared. Azrael stood there, fidgeting with his hands until the door opened.

"What's your name kid?" Azrael looked down at his hands, "Azrael. M-my name is Azrael Reaper. What's your name?" The woman sighed, "My name is Abbie Guillaume, my wife Johanna is downstairs in the basement." Azrael relaxed a little, Abbie seemed like a nice person, "Y-your house is nice." Abbie smiled, "Well thank you kid. Come on, let me show you your room. You'll be living with us; you might get some siblings too.'

~Azrael-13 years old~

Azrael came downstairs, the scent of bacon hitting his nose. "Morning Azrael." Azrael sat down at one of the stools in between his sister Annabelle Fox and his brother Parker Foreman. "Morning Ma!" A plate was set in front of him, "Thanks." Abbie hummed in response, Azrael looked over at his sister, her nose was stuck in a book as usual. Annabelle is 12 years old and she is obsessed with books and fictional characters. Her all-black eyes blinked slowly as they scanned the page of her book, her eyes are all black because she's a cambion (half demon) but mother says she's not evil. Although Azrael would say otherwise, she was always pranking him and making jokes at him. Azrael realized he had been staring to long and looked over at his brother. Parker was working on his mechanical bird; he's always working on something to do with technology. He is also 12 years old and he's obsessed with anime and birds. Parker's "power", as mom calls it, is super strength, he likes to randomly pick up Annabelle while she's reading, he thinks it's funny.

~Azrael-15 years old~

Azrael saw his three new siblings, a weird bunch. All the children come with files that magically appear when the children get here, so they know who or what they are dealing with. Except for Azrael, for some reason that I don't know. Krryn Sharp, she was wearing an oversized purple shirt and black leggings. She had mid back length brown hair and brown eyes to match. She's 11-year-old psychic who can teleport, her favorite color is purple and she's obsessed with astrology. Sadie and Jaren Simmons, twins, only 9 years old. Sadie wore a big light blue shirt and black shorts that almost couldn't be seen because of the shirt. Jaren wore an orange shirt with yellow seam lines, he also wore black shorts which were more visible than his sibling's. Sadie can control water and is much calmer, Jaren can control fire and is very hot headed. Sadie loves snow globes and thunderstorms; Jaren however is a trickster and loves digging up dead things. Annabelle, Parker and Azrael exchanged looks, the three had officially been named The Big Three or The Council. Azrael smiled, hugged Krryn first and then the other two, handing them over to Parker, to show them their rooms.

~Azrael-18 years old~

Azrael watched as Johanna chased a three-year-old around the house, trying to get him to put on pants. The child's name was Ethan, he was the only one to be born from Abbie and Johanna or JoJo as Ethan called her. As far as we know he is human, I mean he should be since Abbie and Johanna are just witches but the sperm donor could have been supernatural. The doorbell rang and a voice rang through the house, "I'll get it." Annabelle bounced down the stairs. She opened the door, bending down to pick something up. Azrael stood up, curious, Annabelle turned around with a basket in her hands. The creature from the basket made a gurgling noise, Azrael stepped closer and peered into the basket. There laid a baby with dark brown eyes and a tuff of curly brown hair, he smiled at the two. The two looked at each other and then back down at the baby, a file appeared in Azrael's hand's, he opened it and started Johanna walked in with Ethan on her hip and walked over to the two, "A baby! We've never had a baby sent to us before." The baby started crying and tossing around, "Azrael, pick up the baby and take him to the nursery." Azrael picked up the baby delicately and took him upstairs, placing him down gently, in the white crib. Azrael remembered painting the crib with his mothers, his fingers softly traced over the gold stars and stopped when they met the blue crescent shaped moon. 

~Azrael-21 years old~

Azrael scanned the items on the shelf, looking for a specific one. All of a sudden Azrael watched two suspicious men came around the corner of the isle. Azrael scanned them, they were hunters he could tell because of the gun sticking out of the back pocket and their necklaces. They appeared to be brothers, the taller one was younger and had longer hair. The oldest had a permanent smirk and had short hair, he kept glancing back at Azrael, trying to be sneaky. Azrael soon had enough and left the isle, completely leaving the store and turned into an alley, He knew the brothers were following him so he decided to not go home just yet, he was quickly pinned up against the wall. His eyes met with the older brother, he was the one pinning him, "Dean put the poor creature down." Dean let go but still kept his guard up, "Sorry about my brother, he can be a bit aggressive sometimes." Azrael took a deep breath, "That's alright-" Azrael was interrupted, "Alright, enough with the chitchat. What are you?" "I don't think I know what you mean." The younger brother stepped forward, "We know you're not a human." Azrael straighten his shirt and smirked, "My name is Azrael Reaper, I'm the Grim Reaper's son."

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