Canon Things -Silly Addition

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-Used to look up to Wilbur

-Thinks of Tommy and Tubbo as his brothers

-After Wilbur died, Silly became the parental role for Fundy. Quackity became a parental role for Silly. 

-Ghost was on Eggpire's side, while Silly was not

-Is a member/citizen of Las Nevadas

-Silly forgives Eret and understands why he betrayed L'Manburg.

-Really likes shiny things

-Has pictures of all of his friends in his houses. Yes he has more than one, he likes a change of scenery and it helps when trying to avoid other people.

-Has nightmares about the different wars he was in

-Has two main scars on his body. a scar on his right eye from his drunken father and another scar on his left leg from when Dream kidnapped him to use him as leverage.

-He doesn't necessarily hate the government, he just hates the people who run them

-Knows about the Syndicate because he overheard Niki and Ranboo talking. He hasn't told anyone about what he heard and doesn't plan too.

-Is incredibly skilled with a bow and is mostly the sniper in the wars unless things get ugly and he can't get a clear shot.

-Hates Zombies

-His worst fears are the ocean and the dark.

-His worst enemy would probably be SapNap because of the Pet War.

-Has talked to DreamXD before but he thought he was just hallucinating.

-Is very stealthy and is usually used as a spy.

-Has trust issues, anger issues, and will pull out his sword at any sign of danger. 

-Is slightly blind in right eye but not enough to make him bad at shooting.

-Protects the weaker ones when he thinks it's necessary and has made a promise to himself to do so. It annoys Tommy and Fundy sometimes.

-Often babysits Micheal so that Tubbo and Ranboo can have some alone time.

-Would kill anyone if Quackity told him too. He puts all of his trust and faith into Quackity because he hasn't seen him so much as raise an evil finger. 

-Blind faith basically

-Also trusts Jack Manifold with everything he has and is like besties with him.

-Hates it when someone compares him to a dog or calls him one

-DON'T touch his ears unless you are Jack Manifold or Quackity or Ghost, of course, maybe Allen and maybe Fundy

-You might be able to ask and get too, but it's most likely a no (doesn't hurt to ask)

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