Chapter 5: After so long

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter is off somehow on Springtrap's personality. Well he's bipolarish for obvious reasons but I will refrain from jumping his personality around too much in other chapters. My brain is kinda shut off and the only thing it could say is "who cares" so I'm sorry for that ;v;

Your chances were rather dull and slim in this situation. You hated it; being weak and trapped like a herd of sheep. "I don't need help," you wanted to look away from his engrossing pupils but he locked his hand around your jaw to prevent any movement. "If you're going to kill me, why are you holding back?" You snapped at Springtrap who nearly flinched -- not from your recoiling statement, but from a distant flashback.

"It's a long story, do accept the offer of being alive right now. He-I find you rather interesting..." Springtrap heaved himself up and held out his hand, waiting for you to take it. Your rich, (e/c) orbs reflected confusion and concern. He wasn't acting like the insane, sneaky, and kinda perverted Springtrap you first met at the window. Not to mention his stuttering of his words, was he bipolar or something? Reluctantly, you grasped onto his hand as he pulled you up with extreme force. You yelped as your face collided against his chest, accidentally burying inside. Your eyes widened and your face flushed a crimson red as you retracted from him, staring at him with an embarrassed look. Springtrap smirked, like his old self, at your reaction and chuckled. "If you wanted to embrace me, you could have just said so.~" You crossed your arms and gazed at the floor in which caught your interest instead.

"It was an accident, you pulled me up really hard." You excused but he only laughed even more.

"That's what they all say.~" Springtrap suddenly stopped laughing and the entire atmosphere grew into tension. You felt his eyes boring into your slouched form, making you confused on why he wasn't talking. You looked up and met him straight in the eyes.

"Why are you staring?" You told him, feeling slightly offended as there might be something off about you. Springtrap snapped out of his daze and blinked rapidly.

"Nothing. I just haven't talked with a human for so long, let alone show them my human form." You raised a brow at his confession, but he pressed on, "I never said that I wasn't going to kill you, I just wanted for you so meet the phantoms.~" His insane side kicked in, making you back up a bit. 'Old Springtrap finally pays a visit.' You can literally see the insanity in his eyes. What was with him and jumping into random personalities? Before you could react, he grasped onto your arm and grinned. His nails dug into your flesh and drew out blood, but not enough for it to drip. You hissed and flinched as a reaction which only satisfied him.

"S-Stop, that hurts!" You freaked out, the feeling of being scared was returning to you. Maybe it was an act that he was being so nice to you? You didn't like it, the sense of being betrayed and gullible.

"Oh, (Y/N). My dear, you have not experienced the definition of 'pain' that I went through," Springtrap realized your curious gaze upon him and decided to tug on your arm. "Let's go on a tour, maybe talk for a bit until 6AM.~" His cheery tone returned. Springtrap guided you out of the office, but instead of holding your arm, he was holding your hand in an almost gentle way. Your face flushed red yet again at the contact but you didn't want to say anything to anger him. You realized that every breath he took, a huff of air came out. Like, very noticeable cloud of air.

"Are you actually breathing or-" You started but he interjected.

"No, the gears inside me tend to whir a lot so it looks like I'm breathing," Okay, now you couldn't tell if he was for real or being sarcastic with you. "I never realized a human can feel so warm, it's better than the suit I've got." He stated, referring to his animatronic form. You blushed a little as he inspected your hand. Now that he mentioned it, he did feel kinda frigid.

"Are you lonely here? You have no one to talk to?" His gaze broke from your hand and locked onto your (e/c) eyes.

"I only have one friend and that is myself, everybody else hates me, even the phantoms." His bunny ears twitched, making you feel pity for him. 'I can't pity him, he's just a robot and a murderer.' You tried to convince yourself but you couldn't.

"Y'know, I expected for you to look more like the main mascot, Freddy Fazbear. You could have been a golden version of him or something, just a bit tarnished." You didn't want to offend him either but Springtrap retracted and placed a hand over his heart.

"Why I do feel quite insulted by your choice of words, (Y/N). I am fully aware of my animatronic appearance, but I do say I look quite handsome in my human form.~" You couldn't help but smile at his humor, but then again he could be acting. He suddenly grasped onto your hair, bringing you closer to his face. "Although, I'm still a dangerous enemy, kitten. I'm not acting nice just because I like you. In fact, you should be terrified when you come back tonight. I promise that this time, I'm not going easy on you." He scowled, showing his decaying teeth that were stained with blood. You gulped nervously at his threat, obviously not wanting your neck to get snapped in half. Springtrap let go of you and wandered down the halls that you recognized was CAM 8, you didn't realize you were even walking here. Before the man could go any further, he stopped himself and turned his head around with a cold stare. "By the way, a golden version of Freddy does exist." He finished before proceeding.

'God damn, Springtrap himself in the most difficult puzzle of Freddy Fazbear's. Obviously, he's bipolar but something is making him like that.' The alarm went off, signaling the end of your shift in which you just realized that you had been working. Springtrap answered some questions for you, but it only brought up even more questions. Why was he lonely? How many phantoms are there? Are they friendly? Why is Springtrap so bipolar? No, what is causing him to be bipolar? He just looks so...possessed. 'I don't think he's going to be friendly tonight, that for sure.' You crouched down to meet the Chica head whom's headlight kept flickering. 'At least you won't come after me, right Chica?' You tried to amuse yourself after Springtrap's threat, though it failed.

"Devour my hot bird ass, Freddy." You blinked before standing up again at the head's response. You did not expect that at all. You shrugged it off and gave the prop a weird look before finally leaving the haunted horror attraction that brought certainly something new in your life.

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