Chapter 14: Phantom Fight pt.2

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        A/N: Art by iiexie on dA

    The whiteness had evaporated from your vision and everything had reappeared again; Springtrap, BB, Mangle, Foxy, you, but there was only one phantom missing from this scene. 'Chica, she's vanished. Did... I kill her? How can I kill a ghost?' You gazed at the floor and noticed no remains of said Phantom, it was like committing the perfect crime, well almost, there were plenty of witnesses. All of them looked distraught, especially Foxy. Springtrap looked at you as if you were a stranger and it hurt you deeply.

"Why ye'! Who even are ya'! Ye' killed Chica!" Foxy's white pupils were blinded by rage. He was screeching and stomping on the checkered-tiled floor, releasing his mad tantrum.

"Foxy, enough!" Springtrap called out to the rampaging fox but he continued. You chuckled darkly under your breath, tiny black wisps escaping your mouth. Foxy angrily hollered and pounced directly at you, opening his jaws to the point where you thought that no one can open their mouth that wide.

"Ye' will pay! I will kill ya' if it be the last thing I do!" He aimed for your neck and you swiftly grabbed his neck. Foxy started to claw your shadowy hand with his hook, but to no prevail. You tossed him behind you, not looking back, and heard him scream in pain, whimpering.

"You're not worth my time," you heard the demonic voice say and you mentally cringed, not liking this form you had possessed. Was it really true when the Shadow Bonnie in the mirror stated that he was indeed you? How? The woman that was killed in the springlock suits had (h/c) and blue eyes! Nothing like you at all, except the hair color!

Phantom Mangle and BB stepped back before sprinting away from you, terrified cries were heard from the both. After the two other Phantoms left, you stayed with Springtrap whom was still bleeding from Mangle's and Chica's inflicting wounds. 'Where are Phantom Freddy and Puppet? After all this commotion they should be here by now!' This truly confused you to no end, but it's not like you actually want them here.

Springtrap gave you a stern look, "Who are you? You're not (Y/N)!" He clenched his fists and the both of you stayed still, observing.

"Oh, but I am. She's only my mere consciousness at the moment and was watching the whole show. Isn't that right, (Y/N)?" Shadow Bonnie explained and you groaned.

'No, leave me alone.' You responded with a snarl.

'Ugh, you're not fun with that attitude.' He commented back in his mind before smirking. "I can only be summoned when the both of you are in the same amount of intense anger. After all, the both of you are spiritually connected, not related, but you get the point."

Springtrap raised a brow, "And how's that possible?" You huffed, "(Y/N) died in your suit back at Freddy's Pizzeria when you were working with him. I'm her ghost, she was reincarnated later on and I possessed her."

"Get out of her body then! She doesn't need you anymore!" Springtrap retorted. "You're right, I have no business to attend right now, but I'll be back, whether you're angry or not." The shadow advised. Strong and powerful winds surrounded you, as if trying to lift you from the ground. The air engulfed you, and you were slowly transforming back to your original self. 'Why does transformation hurt so bad!' Tears pricked your eyes at the pain, feeling the last of Shadow Bonnie going dormant. The air and light disappeared and you panted, falling over until Springtrap caught you.

"Are you alright? Can you speak, kitten?" You felt his fingers graze through your (h/c) locks as he held you tight. Currently, you didn't care about his blood staining your (f/c) clothes, you were exhausted.

"I'm sorry," was the first thing you said to him. "It's not your fault, (Y/N). It wasn't you." He soothed you.

'But he was me. I murdered Chica and strangled Foxy and scared BB and Mangle away. Am I a monster?' You whimpered quietly and sobbed. On cue, the 6AM bell rang, but the both of you didn't let go. "Do you still love me? Even after that?"

"I do, hell and I will forever," Springtrap pecked your forehead with his soft lips and you smiled. Weird, admitting that you were in love with an animatronic that tried to kill you. Was it Stockholm Syndrome? "As sad as this might be, you have to go." His white pupils engrossed your own (e/c) ones. "Leave, kitten.~" Springtrap commanded, already turning back to his insane side.

You only gulped and nodded before leaving the building of the horror attraction that imprisoned your fellow animatronic friend. As you traveled back home, you noticed that a fog heavily surrounded you the entire time in which you found odd. Fogs aren't suppose to be that dense. It was like walking through a foggy forest! 'Whatever, I'd sleep it off.' You unlocked your house door, entered, closed it, and went straight to bed with an exhausted sigh.


'Where am I? Why is it so foggy again?' You cast a worried glance and searched around deep in the fog. You couldn't see anything, not a tree, not a rock, not even the ground! It was just an endless void of fog! "Hello?!" You called out, confused. "Hopefully, I wake up soon." You kept trudging around until you found a path, purple splotches on the 'ground'. 'Finally, something!' You didn't care if this was a trap, at least it was something. Plus, you were confident that this was only just a dream.

Follow me.

'Oh God.' You angrily thought, stopping in your tracks. The same shadowy bear as before spawned a few meters in front of you. You gasped, realizing what this meant.

Follow me.

"I'll follow you, damn it! Just stop!" You ran past the bear and kept following the path of splotches before you, however, due to the fog, you couldn't see what's ahead. Suddenly, the fog disappeared and you exited out of a forest. Your feet dragged themselves through the new found snow until you reached a cliff. Snowflakes were falling and ahead of the cliff, there was nothing. 'Ah, what now?' You pondered before screaming at a painful force jabbing your side. You were pinned to the snowy ground and you twist and flailed at your captor's grip. "Let go of me!" You commanded before actually focusing your vision on your assailant. It was a man, but it wasn't just any man.

"Y-Yariel?! Boss?!" You called out in surprise. He was wearing a top hat and purple bear ears resided on his chestnut hair. You couldn't believe it. "Y-You're--!"

"That's right, (Y/N). Allies. Partners. I knew there was something up when you first stepped foot into the attraction. I never thought that you were Shadow Bonnie, my partner from long ago. But finally, I finally found you so I can do what I have to do. " Yariel ranted on.

You were even more puzzled, "What do you mean? I never wanted to be a part of this!" You struggled at Yariel's grip when he held you as he stood. He walked over to the edge of the cliff and hovered your body over the infinite void below. "I never liked you anyways!"

Yariel scoffed, "Me neither. I'm jealous you managed to get along with an animatronic that killed you before. I couldn't get along with my murderer." His grip tightened on your neck. "Do you want to experience death again, (Y/N)? I'll offer it to you for free." He giggled and dropped you just as you were clawing his hand.

"NO! NO!AAAAAAAHH!" You screamed in fear, watching how you were devoured in pure darkness. Below you were the outlines of animatronics devices, spikes, crossbeams, deadly wires. What's worse was that Springtrap waited below, welcoming you to your death.

"NO! NO! THIS IS A DREAM! I CAN'T DIE!" You yelled out before coming in contact with your one and only death.


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