Chapter 6: Advice

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A/N: Art by TheLovelessNeko on dA

Follow me.

'What?' You questioned, not understanding the situation. The eternal darkness you were in confused you. Was this a dream? You felt for your body, but your chest felt kinda plastic. You looked down on yourself in surprise, seeing that you were a little boy holding a balloon. This body you were in reminded you of the phantom that you encountered before. You realized that platforms spawned, levitating in the air with a balloon stuck midair on each level. Without thinking, you jumped on the nearest platform and collected the balloon. You rose, noticing an exit after you collected all of the balloons. You were about to twist the doorknob, but a force held you back.

Follow me.

'Again?!' Your body went through the sky blue wall, falling rather slowly to the ground. Black and gray lines decorated the background as you fell, no life source indicated. When you landed, you noticed a giant shadow and two balloon boys crying as a shadowy figure. You kept on walking, for some reason undisturbed by the terrifying scenes. Again, platforms appeared with more balloons. 'What am I? Balloon Boy?' You joked as you kept on going, noticing a gray silhouette with black eye sockets, crying. "Hello?" You called out unconsciously. The gray child didn't respond until suddenly, you didn't control your body anymore. "Want some cake?" A giant cake with pink frosting and candles on top spawned randomly in front of him. You laughed and cheered as the kid gasped and widened his eyes in shock. Your conscious ached as yellow-green and white static interrupted your dream. 'No! Just a little longer!' You tried to keep your signal, but your dream brutally ended with a demonic hiss.

You inhaled sharply as you jolted from your bed. You sighed in relief that you were back home; safe and sound. You let out your breath and fell back onto your comfy bed. 'What a dream...' You shrugged the dream off as it was nothing. Your dreams are always 99.9% nothing anyways, no matter how vivid it was. Your phone shook, emitting a ringtone of (favorite song). Fully awake yet annoyed, you answered without even looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" You responded groggily.

"Ah, how's my favorite worker!" Your boss, Yariel greeted. You almost let out a groan of annoyance at the person who threatened to blackmail you. Yariel pressed on without a response, "Listen, since you're staying at your job for quite a while, I want you to meet Alexander! He worked there before you and he's going to give you advice about your working position and some tactics I suppose. You guys can meet each other and exchange phone numbers at the nearest park around you. Alexander has black hair and a couple of chin hairs, always wears a Batman sweater, weird nose. Don't worry, he's easy to spot once you see him. Alex should be waiting there by now, can't wait for your shift tonight! It's gonna get rather interesting!" Yariel hung up before you had the chance to respond.

'Alexander sounds like a complete nerd, someone I do not want to exchange phone numbers with. However, I'm more worried about tonight. It's bad enough that Springtrap said it, and now Yariel too?! Night 3 must be hardcore as hell, imagine the other nights.' You rolled your (e/c) eyes and lazily heaved yourself off of your bed. Gazing at the clock on your phone; it read 10:47 AM. 'Might as well get ready...'


"Oh, so you're (Y/N)! Yariel never told me that a girl worked for the night-shift. Cool." Alexander smirked as he finished, but twisted it into a smile. The both of you had just met and exchanged numbers under a shady tree. He seemed a little awkward at first, but he did end up socializing. "I assume you met the phantoms, yes? Or was it still early?"

"The only phantom I met was a burnt kid that looked like a messed up clown. I have also met the Joker on my first two nights," you referenced and Alexander chuckled, tugging at his Batman sweater.

"Tonight is your third night, I suggest for you to be very cautious. Not only does Springtrap get more aggressive, but-" he cleared his throat before continuing, "there are more phantoms for you to meet. I suggest that you be very aware of CAM 07, CAM 08, CAM 04, and two phantoms that end up in your office. One of them passes by the window while the other spawns on the toy box unexpectedly. So every time you put your camera monitors down, check your surroundings first before turning to check the door or the maintenance panel. I-I made the same mistake twice and it almost got me killed. Stupid furry doesn't even give a warning before pouncing!" His face scrunched up in anger before returning into a cheery mood.

"But how many phantoms are there?" You thought it was only one animatronic, but there just had to be more?!

"Uh, lemme see..." Alexander's voice trailed off as he pondered and counted his fingers, "seven." He finished before you panicked.

"Eh?! That's too much to worry about! Springtrap already hates me as it is, I don't need any more haters?!" Alex raised a brow at your statement.

"You personally met Springtrap?" His voice laced with confusion.

"Yeah, the first two nights. He was certainly very aggressive in the second night. Did you know he can turn human?" You didn't mind leaking information about his supernatural forms. If he stalked your files you might as well know him as well.

"Human?! You're jokin'! That fucker hates my guts, one time he dragged me all the way to this boarded room, but I got saved by the 6AM bell and he released me. Don't know why he was dragging me all the way there, must be his way of disposing bodies when he gets the security guards." He explained his mini story. "But not once had I seen him or the phantoms turn human."

"But do you believe me? Alex please, I'm going through so much shit, nobody's here to guide me, not even Yariel." You let out a heavy sigh as Alexander awkwardly patted your back.

"It's okay, I do believe you. If phantoms and dead corpses inside suits possess animatronics, I will believe anything." You blinked in surprise.

"Dead corpses?" You were aware of children's bodies being stuffed into the animatronic suits, but where had he seen a dead corpse?

"Haven't you seen the dead corpse inside of Springtrap? You can see his organs through his tattered suit and his head if you open Springtrap's mouth. I wonder about the guy, I feel sorry for whoever got stuffed into some deformed rabbit." Your jaw dropped, feeling slightly pale. Your stomach churned at the thought of a dead corpse inside a suit, very unappealing.

'A dead corpse?'

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