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November 13, 20XX

The day Jairus died, Cyra, Sour, and Rizza decided to leave Trosta before the infected overran the place. But as they stepped outside the prison gates, they saw a mysterious guy, a Navigator, limping towards the breached wall.

Sour tried to talk, but the guy fired a gun in their direction and ran, thus escaping Trosta without them knowing his identity.

A couple of minutes passed, and the man was now in the middle of the woods, trying his best to stay away from the horde.

His arms and legs are bleeding, leaving blood trails as he runs deeper into the thicket of trees.

Finally, he saw a road. He grabbed a walkie-talkie from his pocket and then pushed random buttons.

"Chris," he mumbled as he made his way towards the tarmac.

There was no response. His eyes were closing, so he leaned against a wooden sign post to keep himself from falling into the ground.

"Chris!" he repeated through the radio.

The static disappeared, and then a guy spoke. "I'm here, Luke. I was doing something, so stop shouting like a kid."

"Chris, I don't have much time. I need you to listen to me."

"The hell are you talking about? Are you okay?"

"Yeah... no. I'm losing blood real fast. I'll be dead soon."

"You've got to be kidding me. Hold on, I'm sending someone over."

"Don't even bother. I'll be dead before help even arrives," he chuckles.

"Damn it, Luke. What the hell happened?"

The guy coughed up blood and sat on the tarmac. He then took a deep breath and held the walkie-talkie in front of his mouth. "Yesterday, I told you about the raid Jairus planned, remember?"

"Yeah, what happened? Did the raid fail?"

"No, it was a success. Not until some people from outside joined the party."

"What do you mean?"

"There were three of them. Two women in animal masks and a guy who shot both my arms and legs. I pretended to be dead, and they walked past my body."

"Jesus, Luke. What happened to the others?"

"You mean Jairus' crew? I saw the woman with a rabbit mask murder some of them before heading straight to the building where Jairus went in. Her friends followed her, giving me the opportunity to escape."

"Wait, you walked away and left Jairus?"

"Chris, Jairus is dead. I don't see any reasons for me to stay and keep on tailing him."

"What do you mean, dead? That man escaped death multiple times."

"Well, not today. Look, I heard him screaming. It's not a normal scream-they're torturing him. By the time I got up, a gunshot had been fired. I thought one of them was shot, but they all walked out of the prison gates unscathed. I guess that gunshot was meant for Jairus."

"What the hell..."

"Anyway, those three people saw me walking out of the camp, so I fired at them. For some reasons, they didn't follow me. I guess luck's on my side." he laughed.

"Well, your luck's running out. I'm sending someone to patch you up. Where are you? Littlerock, was it?"

"Chris, I'm sorry I couldn't find your daughter."

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