24. Change

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

"Hmm, I find that hard to believe," Melusi stated.

I tapped on Leon's shoulder for... probably the twentieth time.

"Because you're married. You can only have one bitch for the rest of your fucking life. While I'm single and happy... I can fuck with whoever the hell I want, how ever many times and for however long. Well, now that we're done discussing my sex life, let's go have fun boys!"

"Leon?" I called, for... probably the thirtieth time. I felt as he got up, "Leon?" I asked in confusion. "Follow me," he stated.

I quickly got on my feet, "Leon! Wait!" I tried following the sound of footsteps and male voices but it was hard to make out which ones I was following. "Leon?" I tried following but had no idea what I was following. I lost the voices, there were too many footsteps all around and the music wasn't helping.

I let out a groan and walked on. I pushed a door open and walked through a silent hall.

"Leon?" my voice echoed.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. Then they stopped and were replaced with an unfamiliar voice.

"Hello there. You seem lost."

"I'm... looking for my boyfriend but... I'll be fine."

The man's footsteps approached. "You sure?"

I slowly back away with a nod. "Yeah." I backed away till my back hit a wall. Then I gulped, unaware of what was coming my way.

"Don't be scared gorgeous... I won't hurt you."

"I know you're up to something."

"Well, Im not gonna lie but my plan will be pleasurable for both of us."

My grip on my can tightened and I gulped in fear as his voice came closer.

"So, what do you say gorgeous?"

I felt as his arms wrapped roughly around my waist, pulling me into him. His breath intoxicated with alcohol. I tried pushing him away but his hold on me was strong. "No.." I groaned, "let me go. I don't want it!"

"You sure gorgeous?" He began to lick my neck.

Using all my strength I pushed him away and hit him with my cane twice. Each blow caused it to break. I dropped the piece I had left and ran for my life. I ran blindly, unaware of where I was going. When I heard his footsteps following, I ran even faster, driven by fear.

I then tripped, gliding across the floor for a good few meters before I scrambled to my feet and kept running. I ran till I ended up bumping into a flat surface. I felt it and realised it was a door as I found a handle. I opened it and heard that I was now in a street.

I felt around and found boxes. I hid behind them till I heard the heavy footsteps go pass. I took out my phone and told Google to dial Leon. His phone rang and rang yet he didn't pick up. I phoned him several times but each time, he didn't​ answer.

I felt my eyes sting with tears as everything settled in. Leon forgot me. I almost got raped and Leon wasn't there to protect me. He promised he'd guide me but... he's not even here. He's probably somewhere having fun with his friends while I'm here, in danger.

I'm blind. I don't even know the way to his car. I don't even know what this place is called. I'm lost. Without a guide. I'm lost and alone. Lost, blind and alone. He broke his promise.

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