I Need You

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Chres' Pov

Oh my God, Indianna finish, the sentence what were you going to say. Please princess wake up. I looked down at her and she was pale. I quickly lifted her up and ran to my car with her. I swear i never drive so fast in my life, we got to the hospital in like 5 minutes. I rushed her inside and asked for a doctor. Everything was happening so fast. They took her away and when i wanted to go in they held me back. I couldnt help but to break down and cry. Hours went by and still nothing, everyone was now at the hospital even Cash. 

Me: Why didn't I just acknowlegde her man why?

Prod: ay man she'll be fine i promise 

Prod gave me a bro hug and then the doctor came out. 

Doc: Family of Indianna 

Me: That's us

Doc; Well there is good news and bad news

Me: what's the good news 

Docs: well we got the bleeding under control and she stable

Me: thank god 

Doc: But she is in a coma and if she doesnt wake up soon. We'll have to pull the plug 

I literally felt my heart shatter into a thousand pieces.....

Indianna's mom: You go in and look for her 

I quickly got up and ran to her room. When i saw her my heart sank. She was so lifeless and pale.

Me: Indianna, if you can hear me i just want you to know that i love you, i always have. I may not have been the best person but i never wanted anythign likt this to happen to you. I was an asshole and I was immature. You are the best thing that has ever happend to me. I can't lose you baby girl, I need you. Your the reason why i wake up everyday, why my heart beats. You cause all of that.....I guess what I'm tyring to say is that, I love and miss you and im sorry from the bottom of my heart. Please pull through so i can make it up to you. Even if it ain't now i will somehow i promise with every breath in my body. Even if it takes the rest of my life to make it up to you I will.  

Inds: (moves hand slighty)

Me: Omg indianna wake up, move your hand again......


Me:sigh, (walking away)

Inds: Chres... (says softly)

Indianna's Pov..

I just remember everything going dark and just seeing this bright light. I looked around and i saw my grammy, we talked for a while and she told me it wasnt my time yet... I looked at her confused and she told me to listen. I heard Chres and the sweet words he was saying. I tried to open my eyes but i couldnt. My grammy kissed my head and said i'll see you again someday, but for now go and be happy. With that everything went dark. I opened my eyes a bit and a bright light hit them.... I saw chres walking away.

Me: Chres?

Chres: Indianna, you're awake

Me: Yeah :)

Chres: Im so sorry i didnt mean for any fo this to happen please forgive me... I love you and i miss you and omg i cant be without you..

Me: Keep goign don't stop, I love the attention..

Chres: hahaha, i have a lot of making up to do

Me: yes you do :) 

He leaned down and kissed my softly.... My life was standing right in front of me and i wasnt losing him again, no matter who came in the way. 

So guys how was that chapter? I told you i was goign to update sooner:) Please vote and comment, I will really appreciate it. Peace and love

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