Chapter 1 My soba!

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(Touya's POV)

I woke up and went to the kitchen. I saw mom there. I ran up and hugged her. She smiled and hugged me back. "Your father is at work, so we're free today. Also, you should get ready for school." I nodded and smiled. I went to get dressed in my school uniform. I went back out, with my backpack on my back. I ran outside with toast in my mouth and walked to school. I than saw my boyfriend, Keigo, talking to some girl I haven't met before. I walked up to him. "Hey birdie! Who's this?" I questioned him. "O-oh, a friend! Yeah, a friend!" He said, quite oddly. "Okkk.." I said confused on why he was acting so weird. "Well, see you in class." I spoke and walked to school, by myself...'He would usually run up to me, and hug me from behind with a big smile on his face...why isn't he, now??' I thought to myself and walked in school. I than went into class and sat down. Keigo walked in with that girl and they sat by eachother. I looked at my desk, upset. He would rather sit with her, than me??? What's going on?!

-time skip to after class and to lunch time-

I sat by myself at lunch. Usually Keigo would be next to me or something, but he's not. After I finished lunch I went to look for Keigo. He didn't seem to be in the lunch room. I walked outside and saw him...


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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