Chapter 18

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You couldn't help but blushed when you heard his words. "M-marriage? I-i.. but.." you looked a bit panicked as you couldn't even look at him back "I don't think I would look good in a wedding dress with this..". You stroke your stomach as he then shakes his head "You will look stunning.. Does this mean a yes?". You know Inupi will probably scold you and called you most idiotic women in the universe but you love the scum in font of you. You nodded your head. His face lit up as you could see his rare gentle smile, not a cocky or a scoffed he usually had, a sincere happy smile that you always love seeing. Reaching inside his pocket, he pulled out smallbox "I..actually bought this a few months ago.. I know it might sounds stupid.. When I saw this, I immediately thought that this is the one. Your ring. Since then I've been looking for you.." he took your hand and put it on your finger, you started to sob as he chuckled. "I will take care of the registration and all.. Let's do the party once you two get better..".

Months passed and you two are married. You are already in your seventh month of pregnancy and your husband has been too over protective of you. Everyone does actually. It was sweet at first but now it is just getting annoying for you. "I won't die just because I'm cooking, dear.." you sighed as Koko took away the knife you were holding. "I don't want you to end up losing the grip and end up stab yourself.. " he looked at you worried as again he got worked up over nothing. "Look, you didn't let me clean the house.. You barely let me go for a walk.. You didn't even let me buy stuff at the store. Honey, you will drive us crazy!! I know you meant well but this! This is too much!" you feel frustrated as he sighed a bit before handing you the knife back "Just.. do it slowly". "Thank you. Now get out of here. You are in the way" you shoo him as he reluctantly left. You could feel he will peek at you from time to time, you just try to ignore him. Sometimes you find it amusing how you will catch him reading the book about pregnancy and parenting books but try to hide it away from you. You know sometimes he secretly talks to your stomach when you are asleep or taking a nap, and you just have to pretend you are still asleep so he won't be embarrassed. Because he most of the time refused to do such a thing right in front of you, he said it's ridiculous but ended up doing it anyway. Once you were craving for some pizza and asked him to buy you one. Your husband took it the wrong way and ended up buying the company. You only know because your pizza never appears even after three hours waiting.

You two still go on dates from time to time. You checked your phone while you sat at the park bench and stroked your stomach fondly. This is the park where you two sign that ridiculous contract and where it all began. "This is where Mommy and daddy first get together.. " you chuckled as you look at your stomach "Grow up healthy okay.. We can't wait to see you". "Y/n Kokonoi?" You heard your name being called as you turned to look up who has called you. Your eyes widened. You heard Koko's voice from afar. Everything happened so fast.

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