Chapter 4-Family Found

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Sally looked around seeing that the house was too small now. Her and Wilbur were the only ones awake as Percy and the rest of their big family were asleep in the lounge, Thor and Loki had left a while ago to go home. Wilbur hugged Sally happy he was finally home. “Wilbur.” Wilbur hummed in response clinging onto the comfort his love gave him. “If everyone is staying together then we will need a bigger house. I still have our savings with more added to them so maybe in the morning we could see how much we have and move somewhere bigger? Of course we will talk to everyone else first.” The only answer she got were the soft snores of Wilbur. Sighing she smiled to herself before also falling asleep. 

In the morning the smell of pancakes filled the house. Percy was the first to awaken and looked around seeing everyone else laying on the floor and couches. For a moment Percy was confused before remembering the night before, smiling to himself he made his way to the place where the heavenly smell was coming from, the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen Percy saw his mum and his dad making stacks of blue pancakes. Percy took a seat at the table and slowly everyone started to wake up and make their way to the kitchen also. Once everyone had a plate some moved to the lounge to eat. 

Percy never noticed how small the house was until all of his family was with him. The house that was made just for him and his mother was now very small for the new family. Once breakfast had been eaten Sally got everyone into the lounge for what she called a family meeting. 

Once everyone was seated she clapped her hands slightly gaining everyone’s attention. “Alright. So since you all have no other place to go I was thinking we could live as a big family again! Of course for that to happen we will most likely have to move to a bigger house as this house was not built for a large family. So early this morning I counted my savings and looked at good houses.” Sally placed a picture on the coffee table. The picture showed a house painted white and pastel blue with a large garden and a house that would be big enough for the family. “This was the best house I could find. It’s in Queens and I need everyone’s opinion on this house and then we can go and buy it if everyone likes it. It is the biggest but most affordable house I could find. It is also in a pretty good neighbourhood.” WHile Sally spoke everyone looked through the pictures of the house and seemed quite pleased with it. 

“I think it would be great! And there is a school the kids can go to. Me, Wilbur and Techno can also work to help out with payments. Fundy can go in his younger form to be able to attend school with the other kids.” Phil spoke and everyone agreed although Fundy was a bit upset about having to go back to school but soon Sally was leaving the house to go and buy the new house while Phil was left with the kids, Techno and Wilbur. 

A few hours later the two returned to a clean house. Sally was a little surprised to see that a lot of her personal items had been packed already but smiled at Techno and the kids. “Thank you, I'll get the rest of my stuff packed. The estate agent will be here soon to check out the house and get the keys.” Sally went upstairs to see Percy packing up his items. She made her way to her room and packed up the rest of her things. 

An hour later and everything was packed. A knock on the door and everyone turned into their most human looking form. Sally opened the door to see the estate agent. “My name is Barry and I will be taking you to your new house as requested and there is a movers van outside to take any furniture you wish to take. My partner here will be the one to take the keys of this house so that it can be furnished and sold.” The man pointed to a woman standing next to him. Sally handed over her house key to the woman who thanked her and the man spoke again. “So how about we figure out the furniture?” Barry smiled at Sally.

“Of course! Please come in! Sorry it's a bit cramped, there was a family emergency and so our family has gotten a lot bigger.” Sally rubbed her neck a little in embarrassment as she opened the door wider for Barry. Barry seemed a bit relieved at the clean house. “Everything has already been cleaned up and the kids are still cleaning some areas.” 

At the end of her sentence there were multiple thuds and then Wilbur ran into the room seeming a bit messy; he was now in a slightly older form looking the same age as Sally. Wilbur went onto one knee in front of her and pulled out a box. “Sally I found it!” Wilbur opened the box to show a gold ring that had a blue flower on it that seemed very realistic. Sally blushed slightly as Wilbur put on the ring. 

“Wilbur, what have I told you about doing this kind of stuff randomly? Most people would wait for the right moment but you just go in without thinking.” Wilbur smiled shyly at Sally. “Anyway go and apologise to Tommy would you because I’m guessing it was him you tripped up. And make sure to clean up!” Sally spoke louder at the last sentence as Wilbur ran off to his siblings. Sally shook her head at his antics. She turned to Barry. “I’m sorry about him. My family can be a little unexpected. Everyone else is helping to clean the house.” Barry seemed a bit surprised but soon he was kindly smiling again. 

3 hours later and everything that they were taking with them was in the movers van. Barry had managed to fit the large family into the van that he drove before they left for the new house. Once they arrived the movers started to unpack the van placing the furniture where Sally told them to while everyone else had gone out to do some shopping. 

It wasn’t until around 11pm that everything had been moved to the new house and the shopping had been completed. Everyone had gone up to bed except for Techno. 

I didn't forget about this book. No never. I would never forget about one of my books. Anyway hope you guys enjoy this update!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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