Chapter 10 | "He's Who?!"

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Previously On Chapter 9 | "Did Ya Miss Me Alastor?"

Shaking in pain and fear. Giving in you yell out your husband's name, "ALASTOR!!!!" spatial warping behind the figure, using a tentacle to grab him and throw him, Alastor growls walking over to you standing in front of you. In his full demon form. The Deer Demon laughs, cracking his neck, looking over his shoulder, smiling, "Hello, 'Son' it's been years" Zagan laughs.

As Alastor growls again Erebus appears behind you and Alastor both. Erebus looks down at you causing Alastor to shake in anger more. "Alastor.." watching your dear buck shaking in anger because of what his father did to you, but also knowing that he's having to face someone who murdered his beloved mother in cold blood, Again. "Did ya miss me Alastor?"

"No, I absolutely did not miss you!, but I also will not hesitate to kill you again!" Zagan laughs. "We'll see who dies second death first then Al!" claws ripping through his gloves, "do not call me that! You don't get to call me Al!!!" with that the two run at each other.




Onto Chapter 10 | "He's Who?!"

Shaking from the pain engulfing every inch of your body. The throbbing pain coming from the wound on your head from when Alastor struck you, that was still healing, blood trickling down. Vision so blurry all you could see were the figures of who you were to guess was Alastor and the deer demon who was presumed to be Alastors father. The sounds of them fighting. The heavy static in the air from Alastor wasn't helping the pain you felt.

The sound of someone getting thrown close to where you're at, making you jump frightened one of your ears flick hearing footsteps looking in the directions when your ears turn to the sound. Vision is still blurry seeing the figure that was thrown your way get up walking towards your way. Shaking in fear. Seeing the glowing yellow eyes.

Trying to shout the Radio Demons name. "A-Al!" Walking backwards as the figure keeps getting closer. "Go on, shout his name. He won't save you!" Grabbing (Y/n) by the neck, Zagan smiles, "he never was strong enough when he was alive, the example was the death of that mother of his". Choking and gasping for air, again trying to shout your lover's name, one big breath of air. Was just enough.

"Alastor!!!" And just like that the red clad deer demon appears behind his father, very angry if the tell tale signs of his antlers weren't enough to show his anger then no one knew what could. Still gasping for air vision going black, the pain from the wound of your head, and from every inch of your body. Trying to say Alastor's name one more time before passing out from lack of oxygen just as Alastor stabbed the end of his staff through his father's chest piercing half of his heart not enough to kill him, resulting in Zagan letting go of (Y/n) who falls limp on the ground Erebus appears catching you so you don't hit your head again.

Zagan sputters blood from his mouth grabbing the end of staff that's through his chest smearing his blood as well as getting it on his hands, laughing maniacally looking behind his shoulder, seeing Alastor. "HAHAHA! Seems you....n-never let go o-of yo-your old ways of ki-killing!" panting from the pain Zagan's smile slowly vanishes as Alastor yanks his microphone staff out of his fathers chest making him yell and fall to his knees.

Walking to stand in front of him Alastor kneels down grabbing his father by the face, the two staring at one another before Alastor could do anything, a knife gets stabbed through his stomach. Erebus looks up, eyes glowing blood red as dials form, Zagan smiles and laughs manically, Erebus rushes over, swiping a clawed hand at Zagan.

Three slashes form on his chest. Shadow demons appear behind the enraged shade demon. Before Erebus could do more Vox appears helping Alastor's so-called father up, "THIS IS NOT OVER AL!! I WILL KILL YOU AND THOSE LITTLE FRIENDS OF YOURS!! EVEN YOU!" Pointing at Erebus, who is glaring and snarling at him. "You will be dead where you stand before laying a hand on Alastor, (Y/n) and their friends" getting the both out of there Vox and Zagan leaves.


Appearing back to the hotel with Erebus's help. Charlie and the others rush over, immediately helping the two deer demons to tend to their wounds, deciding best to put them in the same room. Weak from what has happened Erebus follows limping, standing behind everyone as he watches as everyone tends to both (Y/n) and Alastor, looking down at his clawed hands seeing the tips turning slowly white before looking up. Once everyone finishes. Angel brings Damon in who looks at his parents worried,

"their okay bud, just need to rest up" setting him down on the bed, he crawls over to Alastor's side more curious about his father, who slowly wakes up seeing none other than his wife to his right and his son sitting on his stomach, Damon looks back to Charlie, "say hello to your father, Damon" looking back to Alastor Damon tilts his head before smiling,

Laughing then lunging to hug his dad. Wincing in pain from his wound Alastor slowly hugs his son back, softly smiling a sad smile. "Hello my little buck.." looking up at his fathers red eyes with his heterochromia eyes, the one thing that made Damon unique was his eyes. Alastor looked back over seeing you laying next to him in the bed with a bandage wrapped around your head, looking over at the others. "She suffered injuries, but the major one was her head. She was passed out when you both arrived thanks to Erebus".

Alastor looks down, Erebus steps forward from the shadows limping from being weak. "Once you get better, we'll have to discuss the issue of your Father, he's gonna be an issue if we don't. Especially with him being with Vox and who else" nodding his head watching Damon lay his head on his father's chest. Charlie and the others stare at Erebus with eyes of shock. But Angel beats the rest speaking up, "Wait wait hold the fucking phone! That deer demon! He's Who!?"


Next Chapter: Chapter 11 | Damon's Missing! The Mysterious Shade





(A/n: "Hey guys! sorry for the long! wait for this chapter, i honestly had some bad conflict with how this one was written to many ideas for the fight and stuff, not only that but a shit ton of personal life problems have been in the way of me finishing to write this chapter but here it is!")

















Huffing and panting is heard from the deer demon, looking up seeing the hellborn fox demon. Walking over towards him, Zagan stands up from his knees glaring at the fox, "I never thought that my disgrace of a son would be this strong!" Walking up close to the deer's face, "I warned you, didn't i?!" Vox walks over. "Surely there is a way to kill him?" holding up his hand the fox turns around to face a board with plans and ideas. His eyes go to one picture in particular. "I have a better idea," an evil grin forms on his face. "Instead of going for the wife or himself," taking the picture off the wall. "We're gonna go after the son" unbeknownst to them a figure watched the whole ordeal, fading back into the shadows leaving.

Dernière Danse | (Alastor x Deer Demon Reader)Where stories live. Discover now