Eleven: family

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Not edited :)

The bell rung, piercing their ears, the noise as irritating as ever. Unlike the rest of the school kids, who begin to walk, even lightly jog towards they're first classes they stayed put. Unbothered by the summoning noise telling them to head to class. They didn't really care about school, they already knew they're places in life and having an education wouldn't change that. So, they stayed put, smoking their cigarettes behind the school where they couldn't be found. It was peaceful, three best friends just relaxing without a care in the world. They all came from different backgrounds yet were fated to a life of crime because of the family they were born into.

Some people would deem that unfair, say they never had a chance but to them it was what they were born for. Leo might've been adopted into this life but regardless he'd always known this was where his life would've lead him. They were three little monsters destined for greatness. They would run the most powerful criminal empire in the country. It was going to be glorious, Jungkook couldn't wait to get his crown. It was all he ever wanted, to be just as powerful as his mother. He'd have Leo and Tae as his right hand men, always there to help him claim his reign.

"I'm going to find that pretty boy, I can't get his ass out of my head." Leo brings his hands to his face, fag pressed between his two fingers.

"Wow! Never seen you so smitten over someone before, it's kinda creepy." Tae laughs, rolling his eyes at the ridiculous man.

"Hey! I'm not smitten. I'm simply horny for his fucking ass. Once I've fucked him it will all be out of my system." Leo could never have any real emotions for someone, to him that felt impossible cause he didn't care about anybody.

Jungkook chose to block the two out as their conversations bored him. He knew if Leo found the boy attractive he surely wouldn't. Instead he chose to daze in front him, eyes looking out to the green field before them. As he does a figure captures his attention, the second he laid eyes on them a smile creeped on his lips.

"Well, I think I've found my prey for the day." Jungkook grins so wide, a sinisterness to it.

Leo and Tae snap they're attention to where Jungkook was looking, both they're eyes widen before narrowing in the same deadly stare.

"Hey! Wait a minute, that's the fucking guy I'm talking about!" Leo realises the moment his eyes adjust and the boys image becomes clear. "I saw him first! So I've got dips."

Jungkook raises an eyebrow towards him, a playful twinkle in his eye. This was the first time the two of them had eyes for the same man and he knew it was going to be interesting.

"Well then, whoever catches him first gets him."


The room felt as if it were spinning, his heart pounded terrified in his chest. His eyes struggled to focus as his mind began to shudder. It was late or early he had no idea, it'd been a long night. The night seemed to roam
on and on seemingly never ending. He could still hear the music blaring, people coked up continuing to party until they eventually crashed on that wave they were riding. He wasn't sure if he was high or not, maybe he was just severely drunk on the verge of alcohol poisoning. He'd supposed either were possible with the way he was partying. He wasn't sure if he was celebrating or trying to forget. His emotions were all over the place and he found it hard to stick to one emotion.

The door to the room creaked open, to tired to look he only heard the footsteps of the stranger. They grew closer and before he could blink the slight breeze of them stopping brushed his cheek. He blink, glancing up to see Jungkook staring down at him with what he guessed was slight concern.

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