Five: play with me

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Pain is perceptive, every single person experiences pain differently. Some have a high pain tolerance where it takes an awful lot of pain to get them to a point where it's intolerable. Others have a low one where a stub of their toe or cut to their finger could bring a tear to their eye. But then there's people who aren't quite either. Their the ones who float about in between not quite one or the other and that's where Jimin fit in. Pain for him was a pleasure, was something he throned after and made him feel good. It tingled his senses, wore him thin and pushed him to his upmost limits. He'd be dangling on the edge, on the verge where it became something more, death just one slip away as well as safety.

He liked that. Liked how he could swim between the very thin line. It was dangerous. Scary even, how close he's come to never coming back. He's been to the other side and he didn't like it. There was nothing there. No pain. No pleasure. Just complete and utter emptiness like he's never known. You would've thought that kind of trauma would have put him off but if anything it's brought something out of him that's he can't seem to put back in. He's addicted now. Addicted to the feeling of being so close to the ledge where oblivion lived. He wanted to float as close as humanly possible without of course falling off the ledge and drowning.

And he did. He's been living his life blurred between those lines just floating never quite satisfied enough until he's so close he can practically taste death on his tongue. He didn't want to die. No. He just wanted to feel the mind numbing rush of adrenaline that consumes you, pulsates through every vein and core of your being when you think you're about to die. That is what he wanted. Just that electrifying spark that nothing else compares too.

He wanted that so fucking badly and the only times he has was with Jungkook. The monster. The demon. The wild animal he's never quite been able to tame to obedience, whose always full of surprises.

"I want to hear you beg me." Jungkook stands by the foot of the bed, eyes locked into him as if he were prey. He's looking at him like he was staring right into his soul. In way it was unnerving, intimidating even the way he felt like his insides were burning from his gaze.

Jimin shallows dryly, he felt drained and overworked but he knew he wanted more. God how he wanted so much more and he wanted Jungkook to give it to him.

"Please Jungkook. I'm so sorry, I'll never run away again. I'll be good. So fucking good for you." He should feel a little ashamed for apologising to Jungkook. The monster. The beast who drove him to leave in the first place. He was the reason he did and the reason he never looked back, but, that was all in the past now. Forgotten and very easily forgiven. He so quickly slipped back into the rhythm of their twisted dynamic. As much as he refused to admit it he was Jungkook's dog. His pet who would come crawling back to him with a simple flick of his finger and wave of a delicious treat to lure him in. It was working. My god was it working because he wanted Jungkook so fucking bad it hurt him right to his very core.

Jungkook tilts his head, eyeing him up for size, almost determining whether his begging was enough. Was it enough? How he hoped it was because was so close screaming his lungs for him to fuck him. He needed it so fucking bad. He was ready. Legs spread. Ankles tied together. His skin was burning from the rope and the heat from his skin. Was it withdrawal? Was he so deprived of Jungkook that he was actually shaking and near having a break down.

"Please Jungkook-..fuck I need you!"

It was pathetic wasn't it? Look at him. Look at how needy he is it really was humiliating if he were to know that feeling.

"Say it again. Say my name again."

"Jungkook! Please."

Something flickers in his eyes, it was dangerous yet also arousing as hell. Jungkook is on top of him in seconds, a hand wraps around his throat, index finger slipping into his open mouth.

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