Ch. 9 - My Hero

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Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in like 4 weeks, I have been really busy and I was reading other books to give me ideas, so I hope reading other books helps me with this one. Oh! Here's Chapter 9 ENJOY!

Olivia's POV

The robbers got me out of the van. They put me in the storage warehouse and left, I knew it was a perfect chance for a plan to escape (well at least try to). I was lucky that the robbers didn't tie my that hard, and I was glad that I spotted a knife on a nearby table. I hopped over to the knife and got it and cut myself loose. Now that I was somewhat free, I ran to the upstairs part and spotted a storage room. I went in there, and fell asleep, hoping that the robbers wouldn't come any time soon. The next morning I woke up. Luckily the robbers haven't came back yet. I texted Peyton to come and help me.  After I heard one of the robbers yelling. I quickly got out of the storage room, and tried to run to an exit, but one of the robbers spotted me and caught me. I was once again tied up. I said "You guys won't get away with this! My friend and the police are on their way!" One of the robbers said "Shut the fuck up you little bitch, no one cares if they come and rescue you!" Eventually he got a gun and got it near my face. He tortured me and eventually threatened to kill me. I started to yell "HELP!!" I kept yelling until I heard a voice, it was Peyton's voice. He kicked the door open and the police followed. The police got the robbers and Peyton untied me. I was so happy to see him again. I said "Thank you so much, I don't know what I would've done without your help." He said "Anything for you, my lady." I blushed. After we left the wearhouse, Peyton took me back to my house. After I got off of his car, I said "Again, thank you so much for everything." He got out of his car to walk me to my front door. He is such a gentleman. When we got to my front door, he said "No problem, anything for you." He even held my hand and I blushed and said "Um, okay see you tomorrow." He said "Uh, okay bye see you tomorrow then." He left and I went inside. After all of this I literally forgot to tell my mom about this.

Peyton's POV

The next day I woke up to a text message alert. It was from Olivia saying "Peyton please help me, some robbers got me and took me to a wearhouse down on Memory Lane." After, I called the police and told them everything about the situation. After I took a quick shower and ate a pop tart. Then after all of that, I got in my car and left to the wearhouse. When I got there, the police were waiting for me to arrive. After I got out of my car and went to the front entrance, it was locked so I kicked it down and went in and saw Olivia all tied up there. The police were busy with the robbers, so I went and untied her. After she said " Thank you so much, I don't know what I would've done without your help." I said "Anything for you my lady." I couldn't believe I said that but it was said. After we got out of the wearhouse and got into my car and I took her back to her house. After she got out she said "Again thank you for everything." After she said that I got out to walk her up to her door. When we reached the door, I said "No problem, anything for you." And while I was saying that I was holding her hand. I guess that made things awkward because she said " Um, okay see you tomorrow." And I said " Uh, okay bye see you tomorrow then." And after I just left. And went back home.

Hey guys so yeah I did give you guys my reason for not updating the book, again I'm sorry you guys had to wait almost 4 weeks for another chapter. Hopefully I can update at least every other day or I might update daily. It really depends on my schedule with homework and stuff. Oh and one last thing. Um yes I am FINALLY on my Spring Break, so yea maybe I will update daily until the break is over. So yea bye guys until next time! Also don't forget to Comment, Like, & Vote! Bye guys!☺

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