Authors Note

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Hello there, lovely reader!

I am so glad you've decided to give this story a chance. I have been wanting to write a biker romance story for years now and I am finally able to do so. I am absolutely planning to turn this into a series of stories, for multiple members of the the gang ;)  Of course each story will be different from the rest, with a broad spectrum of male and female lead types. I am super excited to start this journey with you.

A few warnings I wanted to put out there before we can get started:

This story is rated 'mature' for a reason.
There will be mentions of self-harm, rape, abuse both physical and verbal, strong language, explicit sexual content, extreme violence, and trauma. I will not be putting warnings throughout the story so this is your one and only warning. This story is not for the faint of heart or people looking to read a light and fluffy biker romance story. I recommend being over the age of 16 years old to read this (I would say 18 but I know y'all are freaks). Read at your own risk.

• This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Meaning that you might come across a gramatical or spelling error once in a while. I try to edit this to the best of my abilities as I write it but I am just me and an error or two is bound to slip away. So please don't be mean about it. If you see an error you are welcome to point it out so that I can fix it. (THIS IS FOR GRAMMAR AND SPELLING ONLY. NOTHING ABOUT THE PLOT OR CHARACTERS)

• I am not condoning nor am I encouraging any certain behaviours or acts done by the characters.
Yes, I am the author. Yes, I am the one who typed it up and published it. But I am not to be held responsible if someone decides to take what a fictional character said or did as a personal offence. What they do and think is not a reflection as to who I am as a person. I am merely creating a story.

• This story is a work of fiction.
The town in which the story takes place. The names and logos of the MC's.
The legal and club names of each of the characters.
The acts committed, whether legal or illegal, by the characters.
This all came from bits of research but mainly from my imagination. If anything portrayed in the story resembles any real life person, organization, or event, then it is purely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

Now, grab a drink, a snack, and prepare yourself for a wild ride.

P.S: Save a Harley, ride a biker.

The Devils Light Copyright © 2021 by @ImaginerWorlds. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission of the author.

Images, music, and videos used in cover art and any of the multimedia content posted in this story are sole property of their respective owners.

The Devils Light (Saints of Vidar #1) Where stories live. Discover now