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     "Back in my day, all girls your age were married and with kids."

     It took every ounce of will power left in me to not use the tweezers in my hand to stab the old woman whose leg I have been plucking thorns out of for the last forty minutes. I kept a tight lipped smile on my face as I looked back up at Mrs. Holden's wrinkled face. This was her third time in the E.R this week because of her tendency to trip over anything and everything, and she did an excellent job at testing me on my patient skills.

     First day, she kept gushing to me about how beautiful I was. How beautiful my children must be. Which was when I told her I didn't have any. This shocked her, causing her to pry even further on her second visit and ask if my husband or I had any fertility issues. After kindly telling her that my personal business was not to be discussed while I am at work, I admitted to her that I was not married or in any kind of relationship.

     One would've thought that I slapped the woman from how appalled she was when I told her this. As if me being a twenty-four year old single woman was some despicable crime.

     "All I am saying is, men have the option to wait for kids. They can fool around in their youth and settle down even when they're old like me. Women can't do this. Your clock is ticking." I finished up with the last of the thorns, discarding my kit and gloves in record breaking time. "What are you waiting for?"

     I grabbed the curtain and turned as she began to pull her gown back down and sit up on the hospital bed. I smiled another one of my blatantly fake ones and turned back to leave, but not before responding to her over shoulder.

     "I'm waiting for a man with a ten-inch dick to walk into my life. Have a great night, Mrs. Holden." Then I walked out.

     The rest of my shift went by slowly, as per usual. The hours spent sitting at the nurses station waiting for a patient was boring before, but now it was basically torture. With nothing to do to occupy myself with, I was left to wallow in my own thoughts.

     Thoughts that had been taken over by a certain tall, muscular, bearded man with an accent sexy enough to bring heat to my core every time the image of him popped up in my mind.

     Which reminds me, I need to stop by the store and get some batteries on my way home. The amount of times I have had to... relieve myself in the last week because of how sexually frustrated I was from my brief encounter with said man was starting to borderline on obsessive. I should seriously look into getting one of those chargeable vibrators.

     "See you tomorrow, Violet."

     I looked up from my untied laces, the fake smile still plastered onto my face as I waved at another nurse from the hospital, David.

     David was nice enough. If it weren't for his incessant need to flirt with me every chance he got, I'd probably be friends with the guy. But I noticed his eyes on me every time we were in the same room. And the annoying way his eyes seemed to look more at my body than my face whenever I talked.

     Once I finished tying the laces on my torn black converse, I grabbed my bag from the floor and continued walking towards the front doors of the hospital. There was a store that was about a ten minute walk from here so I decided to ditch the bus and braze the cold night air.

     I wrapped my thick scarf around my neck and pulled my fleece mittens onto my hands as I began walking. I probably looked like a psycho to anyone who saw me, seeing as how most of the town natives were still only wearing thin sweaters since this weather wasn't cold for them. After living in the hot desert temperatures of Phoenix, Arizona for most of my life, it was proving very difficult to get used to cold Maine weather.

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