10 | Tour

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     To say I was feeling overwhelmed would be the understatement of the decade. Bo had thrown so much information at me in the span of an hour that my head had began to spin. He started off easy, with a simple story about how the infamous MC came to be.

     He told me that him and Aron were both born and grew up in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm. And that when he was sixteen and Aron was twenty-one, they came overseas together to a small town in America called 'Divers Point'. They first recruited a couple of society outcasts, and some convicted felons in the area that had a set of skills that would benefit their club. Then they began dealing with weapons, having a supplier from Europe who provided the most exclusive guns and such to them. Then they expanded their business by offering more services; hit men for hire, loans, drugs, high-end escorts; basically anything their top paying clientele needed, they provided.

     I was surprised Bo was even bothering to tell me all of this. I'd been expecting a very hush version of what the club actually did, since I obviously knew beforehand that they were involved in some sort of shady business and it's not like I was an actual member of the club.

      Bo didn't go into total detail about what the actual deals really entailed, but with the information he gave me I gathered myself that every man in that bar was most likely a criminal fully capable of killing.

     Especially him.

     The thought completely terrified me. But there was still a part of me very deep down that somehow knew he would never hurt me. Something in his eyes had told me that the first time I stared into them. Which is something that could definitely not be said for the other countless men who could easily overpower me here.

Bo mentioned that when they originally brought Stitch into their MC club they had another member who had medical background but they had recently transferred to another chapter of the Saints in Boston to be closer to their family. Leaving Stitch to deal with every injury that arose, no matter how big or small.

It made sense that they would have their own means to seek medical services, since showing up at a hospital with a gunshot wound and no legal explanation for it would elicit unwanted questions and bring police attention to them. Which is why the men had brought us here that night. They couldn't risk getting their leader in trouble with the law.

The Saints had a hierarchy of sorts. Bo stated that while the men were free agents for the most part, they still answered to him and if he was not around, then it would be Aron as he is his second in command. Each member had to go through various trials and complete jobs for the club before they could be called scuts. And once they were patched in, they were considered prospects until they got more wind under their wings as full fledged members.

Though most of the men fulfilled a variety of jobs, some of them had a forte of some kind.

These specialties ranged from being a previously renowned general surgeon like Stitch, a tech genius able to hack into any system imaginable, military tactical skills for missions, or the brutality of a thousand men who could instil fear into a lion if they wanted to.

I briefly wondered if the man who I couldn't seem to shake from my thoughts had a specialty of his own.

"Do you have any questions so far?"

My eyes snapped up from the stain on the carpet that had kept my gaze for the last twenty minutes to meet Bo's sparkling blues. I shook my head, fiddling with my thumbs in my lap. "No, I mean it's a lot to take in but it's pretty straightforward."

    Bo nodded slowly, giving me one of his lopsided grins before standing from his chair on the other side of the large wooden desk between us. "Stitch is gonna shit his pants from excitement when I tell him we finally found someone to ease his workload. Poor guy's being worked to the bone." He clapped his hands once then motioned for me to follow him with his head. "Come on. I'll show you around."

    A rock began to form at the pit of my stomach as I trailed behind Bo through the narrow dimly lit hallway behind the main area of the building. It had to be at least ten o'clock, meaning that the night festivities that went on at their club owned bar was undoubtedly in full swing by now. And judging by the sounds of chatter and laughter that could be heard over the rock music blasting through the speakers, I was about to witness what really went down at the infamous MC bar.

The Devils Light (Saints of Vidar #1) Where stories live. Discover now