5 | Giant

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     My eyes kept drifting over to the doors the boulder of a man had stormed out of almost an hour ago. I would be lying to myself if I didn't admit that he had to be hands down the sexiest person I have ever had the pleasure of gazing my eyes upon. I had been so occupied when we came in that it took me a minute to notice him. But I knew that in any other scenario where I would have come across him in a room, I'd have noticed him right away.

     If not for his handsome features like his long dirty blonde hair, his plump bottom lip which stuck out from his thick beard, or those mesmerizing dark blue eyes of his that swam with so many heavy emotions, it would have been because of his size alone.

     He towered over every other man around him. If I were to guess I'd say he had to be well over 6'7. But he wasn't just tall. He had arms the size of tree trunks. Broad shoulders almost twice as wide as me. I bet even one of his hands could cover my entire face easily. The substantial size difference between us should have frightened me. It should have at least made me apprehensive. But it did none of those things. Looking at him made parts of me awaken with a reverent pulse. Parts that have been laying dormant for many years.

     I continued to stare at the door, hoping to catch another glimpse of him, until the door beside me suddenly flew open and the man they had referred to as Stitch walked out followed by the young man who had gone in with him before.

     To say I was shocked when I realized that the men had taken us to a bar instead of a hospital would be an understatement. Then when the same man who had tried to drive off after they picked the injured man up told me that I wasn't needed anymore and requested for me to leave, I was livid for some reason. I threw caution out the window the second I stepped into the van. And with the adrenaline still pumping through my veins, my constant state of fear gave way for the anger to show.

     And boy, did it show. All directed at a scary looking middle aged biker who could probably snap my neck in half with one hand.

     He could probably do it with one finger. I shivered at the thought of the mystery man I'd seen before. Again, not in fear.

     "Our president is gonna make it." The announcement was followed by a large round of hoots and loud clapping. "A couple of cocksuckers with some pocket knives would never slow Bo down!" The group continued to cheer as he turned his attention to me.

     "Hi there, I'm Stitch." He extended his hand out for me to shake, which after a long minute of contemplation I took. "Aron told me what you did. The neck brace was a smart move. He has a major concussion because of some trauma to his head but nothing too serious. I gave him some blood from a matching donor and stitched up any of the major cuts before bandaging them, so he should be up and running in no time."

     I gave him a small smile. I was glad that the man, Bo as he called him, was going to be okay and that I played a role in that. But now that the adrenaline and rush of the night had completely worn off, I was back to being the quiet, scared girl I was before.

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