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Dixies POV:
I walked outside to see paparazzi "what happened with you and Noah beck?"the paparazzi yelled as I was walking I chose to ignore them but the truth is I missed Noah so I decided to drive to his house I knocked on the door to hear Noah shout "who is it" "umm it's me Dixie" I said nervously he opened the door not looking to happy "so umm you unfollowed me"I said to him in a confused voice "oh yeah sorry about that I was just really angry last night" he said looking everywhere but where I was sitting "yeah but why were you angry" I said looking at him in the eye "BECAUSE I LIKE YOU DIXIE" he said shouting and I was left in shock

Noah's POV:
Oh no why did I say that I couldn't control myself she just looked at me in shock with her mouth wide open "uh-I oh" she said stuttering "look Dixie I like you a lot I always have ever since I met you and I thought you might feel the same way and" she cut me of "I like you to" she said giving me a soft smile then kissing me the kiss sent fire works in my heart and I felt butterflies once we separated she burst out laughing (typical Dixie)

Dixies POV:
While Noah was saying something about he liked me since he met me I wasn't listening I was trying to figure out what to say next I then told him I liked him and kissed him! I then burst out laughing which made everything worse..."well I should get going" I said to Noah

Dixies POV:
As I left of course I felt bad but I don't even know if I like him and to be honest I just want to go back to being friends I love Noah and if I'm in love or not our friendship isn't worth risking I also had Taylor's feelings to think about I also had my job that needs a lot of focus at all times and I haven't seen addi in forever I just have so much on my plate that I just can't take on a relationship despite a relationship with Noah which is even more complicated than a normal after A LOT of thinking I decided to call things of with Taylor just be friends with Noah spend more time with Addison and be fully dedicated to my job of course I still have to tell them all this which is the hard part

Noah's POV:
I messaged Dixie and tried to phone her but she didn't answer or respond I started overthinking everything but just decided to take a nap and take my mind of things

Hey I started this new thing where I have the day and time my next chapter will be up so if you want to know went my next chapter is coming out just check my account!!!💕

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