Not goodbye??

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Dixies POV:
I went to sleep and set my alarm for 5 in the morning.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, and my pillow soaked in tears. My flight was at 10:00 so I had to be at the airport for 8:00 so I went in the shower and got ready for the day.

{her outfit}

Dixies pov:I couldn't say I was excited, I was just purely sad

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Dixies pov:
I couldn't say I was excited, I was just purely sad. I really hope I'll feel more comfortable when I get there...but I doubt it.

I couldn't stop thinking about last night
Noah never even said goodbye. He didn't even look at me, I loved him and he made it clear he didn't feel the same.

I left my empty apartment and walked to my car. I packed the few suitcases I was actually bringing on the plane with me into the car then drove away.

I got to the airport, and I was just waiting around on my phone until my flight was due. I get a message notification from...........................................................................................................................................................

{the message}
"Hey dix, I know your probably not going to see this...cause you'll probably be on airplane mode but I love you and I'm really going to miss my best friend. Like who am I going to watch Gilmore girls with? Or get drunk and sing the karaoke with? Or talk about our terrible decisions in life? Or make TikToks with? I guess what I'm trying to say mean absolutely everything to me dixie! And I wish you the best.

As I read Addisons message tears roll down my face. Even though I loved Addison I loved her message...apart of me wanted that message to be from Noah

But everything happens for a reason...right?

Noah's POV:
I woke up at 6:00 I got ready but felt unfulfilled usually I'd message Dixie or call or FaceTime her I felt empty and guilty

I can't believe I didn't say anything last night.

I couldn't let her go! I put my shoes on and drove to Dixies apartment to see every light out and her car not there.

It looked like she was never there, that hurt me a lot I didn't know why. All I knew was that I loved her so I drove to the airport. when I got there I saw her, she was just about to board the plane I couldn't catch her on time.

So I shouted "I love you Dixie Jane damelio, I love you with my whole hart!"

{to be continued}

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