And so they met!

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Dixies POV:
I wake up at 6:30 I lay in bed for five minutes then head to the bathroom to take a shower I have a strict routine for anything I do so I follow my shower routine then head out of the shower wearing only a towel I do some skin care then put on a bath-rope I dry my hair then curl it followed by putting on a natural makeup look then go to pick out my outfit for the day I decided to wear some grey joggers with a light baby blue cropped top (as I had a photo shoot today so they would dress me when I'm there)

Noah's POV:
I decided to go to the beach today with my friends:Blake,Bryce,Josh it's 8:30 and we're heading down to the beach at 10:00 so I got up and headed to the shower after I got out I shoved on a
t-shirt and swimming shorts then made a TikTok I then made some toast for breakfast I was still quite tired so I decided to go for a nap I set my alarm for 9:30 after I woke up I headed out the door to pick up my friends

Dixies POV:
I then went to my dressing room were I got given the bikini I was meant to wear for the photo shoot then my manager came in "we should be at the beach for 10:00" my manager Amy told me "great should we be leaving now then?" I asked with a happy tone to my voice because I love when I'm doing a photo shoot on the beach it's so peaceful "yeah if you're ready Dixie"Amy my manager said with a soft smile "yeah I'm ready Amy"I said with a smile getting up from my chair then we headed down to the beach

Noah's POV:
I picked up Blake Bryce and josh and we went to the beach it was fun at first but then got a bit boring but when I looked up to the stairs that leaded down to the beach there was this girl in a beautiful bikini with a photographers standing behind her she looked like something out of a movie I had to talk to her but how? She was clearly famous and out of my league so I tried to forget about it

Dixies POV:
I was walking down the stairs when I saw a group of boys oh great I thought to myself just what I needed a group of boys to stress me out while doing my job they were all looking at me but one boy wouldn't lay his eyes of me but I didn't have time for boys right now I have a job to do my manager then got stuff set up then I started posing and taking pictures and still that one boy couldn't take his eyes of me however I'm used to it by now I looked over at him and he turned away and then I Continued taking pictures

(The pictures Dixie took)

(The pictures Dixie took)

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Dixies POV:My manager come up to me "hey we want to ask one of those boys to take a photo with you for the shoot is that okay" Amy whispered in my ear I was hesitant at first but then again it's my job and what I get paid for "yeah I guess" I said...

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Dixies POV:
My manager come up to me "hey we want to ask one of those boys to take a photo with you for the shoot is that okay" Amy whispered in my ear I was hesitant at first but then again it's my job and what I get paid for "yeah I guess" I said trying to act happy about it while I was changing into a different bikini in the public bathroom that was at the beach my manager was talking to the boys

Noah's POV:
A middle aged woman dressed in posh clothes came running up to us when she finally arrived to were we were she stopped and looked at me "hey I'm Amy, see that girl that was taking pictures I'm her manager she's a model we were wondering if one of yous would step in and take a picture with her for the OG magazine?" Blake,Bryce and josh looked at me "umm sure I'll do it"I said trying to hold back my excitement and act cool "great follow me" Amy said looking me dead in the eye so I stood up and followed her to where the cameras are but the model wasn't there "the girl will be back soon she's just changing into a different bikini her names Dixie by the way"Amy said

Dixies POV:
I walked out of the bathroom to see a boy with my manager I sighed of disappointment I was hoping the boys would say no or at least it wouldn't be the boy that was looking at me the whole time but I brushed it off and walked over to Amy and the mystery boy when I got there I said "hey I'm Dixie nice to meet you" with a fake smile in a professional voice with my hand out to shake his hand "uhh-umm hi I'm Noah" he said nervously shaking my hand he seemed like a nice guy maybe I was a bit to harsh on him

Noah's POV:
I was extremely nervous to talk to Dixie seen as she's quite intimidating but I tried to calm myself down "right Noah you go there and Dixie you go there"Amy said moving us into position "hey chill out I can tell you're nervous but I'm just a normal person" Dixie said quietly with a soft smile that made me feel less awkward and I gave her a soft smile back we took a few pictures then Amy yelled "take five minutes break"
Dixie looked at me for a few seconds then said "so do you live in LA or are you just on holiday?" She asked in a calm sweet voice "I live here I'm an influencer" I smiled "oh that's cool are you're friends influencers to?" She said softy and intrigued "yeah we all live in LA and do podcasts and make videos" I said with a smile she nodded as she looked at me "right breaks over"Amy said and we continued the photo shoot it was really fun Dixie had a great personality

(The pictures they took)

(The pictures they took)

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I hope you like this any ideas for this story let me know!!!
But remember there's so much more to come to this story

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