You'll be great you always are!

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Noah's POV:
I woke up and was eager to message
Dixie I decided to just go for it as Dixie wanted me to message her anyway I then made her number a contact on my phone and messaged her

💬 Dixie <3

Noah:hey Dixie I just wanted to say hey

Dixie:hey Noah how are you?

Noah:I'm good and you?

Dixie:I'm doing good I have to go I'm on set for a photo shoot want to stop by?


Dixie:okay it's at Victoria secret xx

Noah:okay I'll be there in half hour xx


Dixies POV:
I was at Victoria secret and I was getting shown all my outfits this was a big photo shoot and there was a lot of outfits I was kinda nervous as this was the biggest photo shoot I've done all year so I asked Noah to stop by seen as he's quite friendly and keeps me calm Addison was already here with me

Dixies POV:
Just as I was about to put on my first outfit Noah came in "oh Noah thank god you're here I'm so nervous" I said
"You'll be fine you're going to be great you always are" he said holding my hand I gave him a soft smile and got changed and took so many photos

(A few photos from the shoot)

Dixies POV:As I was packing up all my things to leave Amy (my manager) comes over to me "Dixie they loved you they want you to go to Paris in a month for a massive photo shoot for the biggest magazine in Paris then want you to do a runway walk in ...

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Dixies POV:
As I was packing up all my things to leave Amy (my manager) comes over to me "Dixie they loved you they want you to go to Paris in a month for a massive photo shoot for the biggest magazine in Paris then want you to do a runway walk in Paris as well"she said with a massive smile I couldn't control myself I smiled and laughed of excitement and jumped into Amy's arms and hugged her we were all so happy this was my dream and it was coming true "I can't wait" I said still smiling

Noah's POV:
I was so happy and proud of Dixie she's been working for this her whole life and she has this massive opportunity I hugged her "congratulations Dixie Jane damelio" she looked at me in the eye for what felt like forever "thank you Noah"she said softly not breaking eye contact she finally looked away and turned to Addison "omg Dixie congratulations!" Addison said shouting the whole place down Dixie then left and said goodbye to us

Dixie POV:
I didn't know what to do with myself I was going to Paris that's Big I'm so happy I could scream but I had so much work to do cause I had to pick out my own outfits which was nerve racking I went online I had a budget of 100k as all the clothes and accessories were going to be expensive I first looked for dresses and accessories and tops,skirts,shoes,bags everything I found a few bits then got ready for bed and went to sleep


Sorry for the short chapter I promise I'll get better 😂

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