Chapter 6

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"Why did you leave last night?" Paige asked as she entered the room.

I shrugged. "I really had nothing to do."

Paige apparently stayed the night somewhere. I'm quite scared where somewhere means, though. I'm hoping it's at the bar because no one owns a house, and if they went back, she could have just slept in our dorm.

"You could have danced with us. We had fun," Paige said. She threw her purse across the room and fell down onto her bed. "How did you get back here?"

I shook my head and crossed my arms. "Logan said he'll bring me back."

"Wait. Logan did?"

"Yeah, why? Is that a bad thing?"

She sat up and looked at me. "No, not really. It's just," she paused,"It's weird that he would do something like that?"

"Give me a ride back home?" I say, arching an eyebrow.

"That and that he would care." She looked at her phone to see what time it was. "Logan doesn't really care about anything."

"Oh. Well, I didn't think that he was that fun of a driver on the way back. He was the one who offered to take me back, anyway."

"What happened?"

I gave her a run down on what happened during the drive. It wasn't much since we didn't really do much but argue. Argue about this, let's argue about that. Oh! Look. Two trees. Let's argue about which one is better.

"Well, in all honesty, he wasn't that bad before," Paige says, picking off her nail polish.

"What do you mean by 'not that bad before?' Did something happen?"

"Well, after we dated, I guess something happened. It wasn't exactly the time we broke up. It was more like five weeks after we broke up. He was fine after the break up, but he left for a while to go home. Maybe something happened there."

I shrugged again. "Maybe."

I couldn't see him being nice in my brain. I just couldn't. He had hatred written all over him. I could even see the anger in his eyes. He always seemed pissed all the time.

"Anyways, do you want to go get something to eat? There's a Dunkin Donuts across the street from here. I went there all the time last year."

I nodded. "Sure. Just let me get dressed."

I took another shower and threw on a random shirt from Aeropostale, my hoodie, skinny jeans, and black converse. Paige still wore her clothes from last night. White cropped top, short denim shorts and black sandals. She brushed her blonde hair and applied more mascara onto her eyelashes.

"Well, ready to go?" she asks.

I nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."

We grabbed our purses and phones and walked out of our dorm. A couple of other girls were leaning on the walls and talking. There was a bulletin board on the wall that showed the events, schedule, and calendar. Paige greeted a few girls and some girls just stared at her. We walked out of the building and neared the main building. The posters with our school mascot were still up.

"I've been wanting to ask you something since last night," Paige asks.

"Okay. Ask away."

"You've had a boyfriend before, right?" Paige asks.

I nodded. I've had one boyfriend in the past. It wasn't anything special. In fact, if I had known what he like, I wouldn't have liked him in the first place. When I was sixteen, Monica introduced me to her other friend, Cody. He was a blonde, had the prettiest blue eyes, had the cutest laugh. He was also blessed to be a total hottie. But one thing that he didn't have, was the ability to keep a girlfriend. I wore the pants in our relationship. I was the one who would text first, the one who acknowledged that we were dating, and I was the one who would start a conversation. He was the one who asked me out first, but I was the one who suggests that we should go on a date the rest of the time while we were dating. After I found out that he was cheating on me, I broke up with him. "Horrible experience, but yeah, I've had one."

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