Chapter 1

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"You're going to be fine, Haven," says my mother. "You're being dramatic."

"Okay." I sighed.

Honestly, what's wrong with being nervous? I'll be living in this place for four years! What if I don't like my roommate? What if she doesn't like me? What if-

"I'll get the rest of your boxes," my mom says, breaking my thought and leaving me on my own.

I felt a shudder making it's way through my spine, and my breath was ragged. Holding one of my heavy boxes wasn't help my breathing at all. Taking one long breath, I headed towards the lady behind a desk to get my key and dorm room.

"Name?" she asks.

"Haven Bayer," I answer, setting down my boxes and cracking my knuckles.

Her blue eyes squint at the monitor as she tries to find my name. "Haven Bayer. Ah! Here it is. Dorm room 124," she says, handing me two golden keys on a key chain.

"Thank you," I say, picking up the heavy box and heading towards my new dorm room.

I walked inside the building. There were small whiteboards beside each door, telling whose room it was. I saw multiple names already on there. I walked up the steps to my floor.

There it was. My dorm. Walking towards room 124, I saw a name on the whiteboard. Paige. That must be my roommate.

I took a deep breath an turned the knob, opening the door. A girl with blonde hair was knelt beside her box. When she saw me, she instantly smiled.

"Hello. I'm Paige," she greeted, extending her hand for me to shake.

I smiled, set down my box, and shook her hand. "Haven."

"What are you majoring in?"

"Writing. What about you?"

"I'm still undecided. I've been changing what I want to do ever since I was a little kid." She shoots me a warm smile, showing the dip of her dimples on her cheek.

My mom came with a dolly cart carrying my boxes. "Thank the Lord that there was an elevator." She looked at Paige and smiled. "Hello. You must be my daughter's roommate."

"Yes, I am. I'm looking forward to be spending the year with her. It's a wonderful place. I've been here a year myself."

My mom looked sort of relieved. Maybe it's because I have a good roommate. I'm sort of relieved too.

"I'm sorry, but I have to get the rest of my boxes," Paige excused herself and headed out the dorm.

"She seems like a nice girl," my mom comments.


My mom looks at me and gives me a smile. "If you need anything, make sure to call me. If anything bad happens and you need a place to stay, call Aunt Marie."

I laugh. "I'm sure I can manage, Mom. I don't think I'll be getting into trouble anytime soon."

"Okay," she pulls me into a hug,"Remember. No drinking, no smoking, no drugs."

"Like I said, I won't be getting into trouble anytime soon."

"Okay. I'll call you when I get back home. Hopefully, your brother will be back."

I nodded, remembering that my brother was out with his girlfriend before we left.

"I'll miss you," she says, breaking the hug and tucking the loose hair away from my face.

"I'll miss you too."

And like that, she left me to the new life that stood in front of me. I looked around the dorm. There were two beds on each side of the wall; one for me and one for Paige. There was a bathroom on Paige's side of the room, a window on the wall that rests between on nightstands, a mini fridge below the window, and several boxes surrounding Paige's bed. The walls were painted a cream color, and the carpets were a fresh, light color of gray.

Paige came in as I was opening my first box that held my bed covers, sheets, pillows, etc. "Hello again," she greets, kneeling down to her box again.

"Hi," I greet back awkwardly.

"You don't talk much, do you?"

"I usually, don't know what to talk about."

"Okay. I'll start off a conversation. Where are you from?"

"Wyoming. You?"

I heard a ruffle of plastic before she answer. "Maryland."

"You live pretty far. What made you want to come here?" I ask curiously.

"My boyfriend and I planned to get away. Start a new life some place new. He and I had a long distance relationship which we managed."

"So, what made you pick out this college in particular?" I ask, studying my round jewelry box.

"We both loved the thought of going to a place where there were palm trees, beaches, nice weather, fun places. That kind of stuff. But, we came across this college." She gave a shrug as she pulled out folded clothes. "I didn't really care which college I went to. I just wanted to go."

I nodded. We talked like that for a while. Unpacking and asking questions for each other. Her phone rang which interrupted us. "Hello," she answers. "No, I don't think-....... Okay, okay. I'll go," she hung up and sighed. "I'm sorry, but my boyfriend wants me to see him."

"Okay," I say, sitting on my now made bed.

"We'll pick up this conversation when I get back, okay?"

I nodded and laid down when I heard the door click shut. My eyelids felt heavy, and my felt relaxed. I laid down more comfortably and shut my eyes. I guess I could get some sleep before I head over to the assembly tonight. Shutting my eyes in defeat, I felt the sleep take over me.

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