Chapter 7

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"God! He's. Such. A. Douche!" Paige said before she slams her face into her blue pillow simultaneously.

I watched her abuse the pillow with wide eyes and pinched eyebrows. "What did he even do?"

She hadn't responded but kept her face smashed into the pillow.

I sighed. "You know, I can help you if you actually told me what is going on."

She lifted her face from the pillow. Her blonde hair was scattered around her face in many directions and darkened blue eyes that show that she was pissed . "It's hard to explain."

"I've got time," I say, propping my leg onto my knee and leaning back onto the wall.

A sigh escaped from Paige before she said,"Logan and I used to date."

"Yeah, I know," I admitted nonchalantly.

"You do?" She look of anger was replaced with confusion.

I nodded my head and tightened my lips. "Logan told me last night."

"Oh. Did he say anything else?"

I debated whether or not if I wanted to tell her that Logan felt like a rebound to her. Odds are, she might get more pissed than she already is and might tell Logan. Can't risk getting her more pissed, so I might as well leave it out. "No. That's pretty much it."

"Oh," she bit her lip. "What explanation do you want to hear first?"

"The Logan one."

She sighed. "We only dated for a couple months. Nothing serious as what Conner and I have." She fell back onto her  bed and stared at the ceiling before she continued. "I wasn't the most faithful person in the relationship at the time. You don't know how many hours I spent staring at the ceiling in despair and torture."

I didn't know where this was going, but I had the feeling that Paige felt eaten up by it. I truly felt sorry for her. Looking at her from my side of the the room, I gave her a encouraging smile. "You don't have to tell me the details if you don't want to." I didn't want to push her to tell me something personal.

"Conner and I were fighting for a couple of days, and usually when we fight, we don't talk to each other. During this fight, I just began as a freshman, so I had no friends. I felt so alone. Then," she paused,"Logan showed up. I have met him before since he was, and still is, Conner's roomate and best friend. He talked to me and soon after we became friends. I gave him the idea that Conner and I weren't together anymore, and I guessed he believed it. We dated for a couple of months before Conner found out, and when he did, Logan broke up with me. I guess it's the rule: pals before gals."

"So, I'm guessing Conner thinks you still have feelings for him?"

She slowly nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah. He said he could tell by the way I looked at him. I haven't looked at him at all last night."

"Was he being a douche about it?" Hopefully, Paige wasn't in an abusive relationship. Paige had done something wrong in the past, but that doesn't mean he should be abusive towards her. Unless that's the reason she cheated on him.

"Not necessarily. He just asked if I still had feelings for him, but I felt like that was a douchey move. I don't really know what he has in store."

I nodded. Neither do I, Paige.


"Sorry!" I shriek after I accidentally bump into a taller figure.

Her purse and the items from inside got scattered everywhere. She laughed softly. "It's alright. These aren't too important items."

"Are you sure?" I ask, picking up lip gloss, hair ties, and a couple coins.

"Yeah, yeah. These are all replaceable. I've only got junk in my purse." She held out her hand with showed a bundle of bobby pins, coins and a wad of gum wrappers. "See?"

I nodded and smiled awkwardly. "I was just heading towards a store to see if they had any snacks."

"Oh, you might not want to go to Jewels down the block. I went there and it didn't seem the safest when I went there yesterday."

"Is there a Walmart nearby?" I ask. I haven't paid attention during the drive here because I was too busy focusing on the butterflies in my stomach as we drove past the familiar buildings that I had saw on tour.

"I think I saw one down a couple blocks down. It's near a Taco Bell." She giggled and outstretched her hand. "I'm Daphne. Freshman. Dentistry."

I extended my arm to meet hers. "Haven. Freshman. Writing."

"I have a friend majoring in writing. Maybe you'll get to know her soon." She tucked her silver wallet in between the monstrosity in her purse.


"Daphne," said a blonde who randomly appeared. "Guess who I just saw in the Dining Hall?" Her friend had a big smile plastered on her face and was bouncing a little.

Daphne had a smirk on her face as she stared at her friend. "Brent Overton?"

"Yes!" the blonde squealed and violently nodded her head.

"He chose this place?" Daphne asked with a raise of a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. "This place out of every college here?"

Daphne's friend stopped bouncing and stared crossly at her. She raised her arms in defense and said,"Hey, I'm not complaining. As long as the guy I had a crush on since middle school is here, I'm a happy camper."

"Alright, well, Haven meet my friend." Daphne nodded towards her, but she said nothing. "Say your name."

"Oh, I'm Ella," she said and flashed a smile at me. I noticed that she had braces on.

"Capella," Daphne corrected.

Ella groaned. "I'm named after a goat, I'd rather prefer Ella."

Daphne laughed and tucked a loose piece of blonde hair behind her ears. She turned to me. "Would you like to join us in the Dining Hall? I mean, I know you were heading to Walmart, but," she trailed off and waited for an answer.

I laid out my options. Food. Friends. Food. Friends. A little part of me knew that this was my only chance of making friends, so I might as well take it. "Sure."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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