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2 weeks later hope was sitting outside on a bench reading her book when she heard  Lizzie talking to someone across the field, using her werewolf hearing she eavesdropped on the conversation

Lizzie: I can't wait for my birthday party today (says)

Girl: Lizzie it's also Josie's birthday to

Lizzie: come on I always share a birthday with her faith why can't I just have this birthday to myself

Faith: because you're not the only one in the world who has a birthday party on this day you should be grateful that you're even having a party with your sister

Lizzie: that's why there's always next year this year I just want everything to myself

Faith: so what is Josie going to do celebrating her birthday

Lizzie: I may be having my party but I always invite her (says and faith rolled her eyes)

Faith: do what you want to do (says and the two walked away)

Hope:( it's josie's birthday today)

She says thinking, she got up and headed to find Josie when she did she saw Josie sitting in the Lounge

Hope: josie (says and josie looked at her)

Josie: yes Hope what's up

Hope: why didn't you tell me it was your birthday (ask)

Josie: why who told you (ask)

Hope: it doesn't matter who told me the better question is why didn't you tell me I'm your friend

Josie: you just called me your friend (says getting happy)

Hope: yeah why are you getting so excited about this don't you have any other friends (ask)

Josie: it's a long story but the answer is no but I used to (says looking down)

Hope: well I overheard Lizzie talking about planning her own birthday party and that she was only going to invite you just to enjoy yourself

Josie: that's lizzie for you always got to make everything about herself (says)

Hope: but it's your birthday too and if she is going to plan a birthday party for herself you need to atleast look better than her come on (says walking away)

Josie: wait where are we going

Hope: I got something for you let's go (says, Josie Followed her to their dorm rooms)

Josie: so what is it that you need to show me

Hope: this (says and pull out a box, she opened the box that showed a pink beautiful dress)

Josie: oh my God that dress looks so expensive where did you get it

Hope: it's my mom's dress I want you to wear it

Josie: hope I cant its your mother's dress

Hope: yeah but she passed it on to me so I'm giving it to you because I can't really fit it and you look the perfect size as my mother (says)

Josie: you can't fit none of your mom's dresses

Hope: there are some dresses that I can fit and some I can't (says) so here take good care of it

Josie: if I'm going to this party you are going with me

Hope: Josie your sister hates me as it is what makes you think she would allow me to her party (ask)

Josie: because I will tell Dad (says)

Hope: fine I will come but I only be there for a little bit

legacies season 1Where stories live. Discover now