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April 12,2030

The next day April 12, 2030 hope was sitting in alaric's room with the super squad Who were furious at her alaric who is apologizing while Josie who was trying to stop them

Faith: you lied to our face all along, all this time we thought the monsters were going after Landon when in fact they were going after you instead

Lizzie: I know she was trouble since the day she got here but yet no one listens to me

Josie: would you shut it Hope has no control over what's going on we don't even know why they're after her

Lizzie: I have an educated guess her and Beatrice probably have history she's probably working for her how else would hope know about Beatrice, how else would hope know that Beatrice was alive years ago unless she was there herself

Hope:(yes as a freaking baby) you seriously gonna blame me for something that I didn't even do

Lizzie: everything went wrong as soon as you answer those doors

Alaric: Lizzie stop we're supposed to be as a team and tried to find this monster not turning against one another

Kaleb: no offense Dr. Saltzman but Lizzie and Faith are right we don't know much about her and we don't trust her there's a reason why these monster after her why Beatrice is after her

Hope: wow great speech not that I'm here i'm your best bet to taking down this threat and you guys are just gonna casting me aside like trash

Lizzie: if you put it that way then yes (says)

Faith: I say we put her in the werewolf space (says)

Hope: do it and I'll break your spine (says)

Rafael: would you guys stop this is exactly what happened a year ago you didn't accept Josie very much after she turned into dark Josie and now you're doing it with hope just because some random monster is coming after her that doesn't make her evil

Josie: he's right just because the monsters are going after her doesn't mean she's bad she probably has some thing that they want you're repeating the cycle like you did with Landon

Faith: Josie we know what's best for the school

Josie: what's best you're just a bunch of selfish teenagers Who think they're high and mighty just because they save the world only once Newsflash that's our parents job you suck at it

Lizzie: Josie what the hell is God in so you're supposed to be on our side

Josie: oh so I'm supposed to be on your side when you never had my back when people bullied me

Faith: Josie's she's your sister

Josie: and doesn't look like I care she never been a sister to me growing up

Lizzie: Josie (says) how am I supposed to know you were feeling this way if you never tell me

Josie: well maybe you never ask and let's talk about the fact that you decided to move in the dorm room with faith instead of staying with me and being by my side you treat faith as if she's your sister and I'm not, hope is the only one who has ever cared about me she looked past of what I did and stayed being my friend heck she's almost like a sister to me because she was able to defend me from the bullies instead of just watching on the side and laughing

Mg: uh guys (says looking around)

Lizzie: I would never do that to you

Josie: and you're believing your own lie

Mg: guys

Lizzie: OK at least I know how to stick up for myself stop trying to have me save you every time you get bullied


Both: why

Mg: hope is gone (says, they looked around to see in fact that Hope was really gone)

Josie: Great look what you done (says and nods)

Lizzie: go on follow that whore you dog (says and Rafael slaps her) what the hell Raf

Rafael: how could you say that about your sister and if anything you're the whore and the dog you're so desperate chasing after every man you and both of those words fit in your category (says and leaves)

Lizzie: dad (says)

Alaric: Lizzie once we find hope you're going to apologize to Josie and her that was unacceptable and after that you're grounded (says and leaves)

Landon was about to follow him when faith stopped him

Faith: hey where are you going you're supposed to stay with me

Landon: sorry Faith but you two are in the wrong you treated Hope and Josie like an outcast I can't believe I haven't seen it before but we're on a break until you apologize

Faith: to her you're saying that because you have a small crush on hope (says and he looked at her) yeah you think I didn't notice about that,  every time when no one's looking, you look at Hope like she's your whole world

Landon: I don't like her like that (says and walks away)

Faith: oh sure you do (says and he was gone) God hope is ruining everything first monsters come and attack us and now my own boyfriend and my friends are sticking up for her

Mg: just to let you know I'm still on your side (says and she smiles)

Faith: thanks guys (says as mg and Kaleb nods)


Josie, Landon, Rafael and alaric were all looking for hope around the school but nothing she was nowhere to be found so they called keelin and Katherine and it turns out hope was staying with them
Katherine: hope are you OK (ask)

Hope: I don't know what to do anymore aunt kat (says and Katherine hugged her)

Katherine: I know baby I don't want this for you (says)

Hope: I just wanna go home (says)

Katherine: I understand but your mother wouldn't want you to run away she would have wanted you to fight for what's right no matter if people disagree (says)

Hope: what if I'm not strong enough (says)

Katherine: please I'm talking to the person who managed to take down her own ancestors who are way powerful than her because you were willing to fight for your family (says and hope smiles) now get some rest

She says, hope nods and Katherine put the covers over hope and left her room hope was about to go to sleep when she heard a knock on the door she end up listening in on her aunt's conversation with Josie and raf

Josie: is Hope here

Keelin: yes she's getting some rest

Rafael: can we please talk to her please (says)

Keelin: I don't think that's a good idea (says) come back tomorrow

She's gone

They all turn around to see Katherine coming out of the room

Keelin: what are you talking about

Katherine: hope is gone she's not in her room and half of her things are gone (says)

They all ran to Hope's room to see that she was gone again

Josie: we have to find her (says, they nodes and soon went on a search party for Hope)

Hope who was sitting on the bus, she went through her contacts and call somebody


Hope: aunt Bonnie something happened and I need you I'm heading your way (says crying)

And soon hope was now heading to New York City

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