"Goodbye, Shuichi Saihara."

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I watch as the love of my life falls limp against the wall. Blood drips from his parted lips and onto the floor. I move my hand to the deep wound in his neck and lightly brush my thumb over the cut, only to notice that the color in my skin is quickly fading away.

I jump as I hear a loud crash coming from downstairs. It's definitely the police. They're trying to break in after I locked the door, aren't they? That only makes sense... haha.

I slump down next to Kokichi and rest my head on his shoulder. I can't wait anymore... I want to see him so badly...

Next to Kokichi's right hand is a small journal. The pen is in between one page and another... should I look inside? Maybe I shouldn't. It might not be for me. Then again, we share everything. Isn't that what couples do? What's his is mine, and what's mine is his...

I flip through the pages to find that almost every line is filled with words and sketches of all sorts. There's only a few pages in the back that he hasn't finished. But mainly, it looks like he was writing about what happened tonight. I see drawings of Kiibo, Rantaro, Angie, Kaede, Miu, and even me. He can draw so well... I love that about him. I love him.

"Check upstairs!!"

I'm so absorbed in Kokichi's writing that I don't hear the voice of my formal idol getting louder. It's Kyouko Kirigiri... she's almost here. That won't matter, though. By the time she even thinks about looking in the attic, I'll be gone. With my beloved. Reunited once more.


I look back at Kokichi. He looks so peaceful... despite the blood. He seems relieved... like he's happy that everything has come to an end.

"I'm sorry, Kokichi... for putting you through that." I murmur, hugging him tightly. I take off my hat and gently place it on his head. "I'll give you a formal apology once I'm with you again..."


The Tenth Hour

"Did you finish reading it, Kirigiri?" the blonde interrogates as the detective walks towards him.

"I did. It's useful, Togami. We made the right call by not throwing it away."

"Let me see it." Kyouko hands Byakuya the notebook and he examines it closely. "Property of... Kokichi Ouma. He was the one in the attic."

"That is correct," the lilac-haired states. "Now please excuse me. I have something to do." Without waiting for an answer, Kyouko pushes past her co-worker and heads to the backyard, where her niece, Kaede, lies dead in the grass. "If only I were sooner..."

Kyouko sits down next to the body as footsteps approach her. "Kyouko? How are you doing...?"

"I'm fine, Makoto." she answers quickly. "Tragedies like this happen all the time. I can't get worked up... over..."

The brunette's eyes widen. "Kyouko... you're crying..."

"Am I...?" she brings a hand to her face and wipes away her tears. "Oh... that's..."

Makoto sits down next to Kyouko and holds her hands in his. "It's okay to cry. I know how much you loved her..."

Kyouko nods slowly and sniffles.

"Do you want to talk about it?" her friend asks.

"...No, thank you. I'd rather think about something else." the purple-eyed then pulls out a notebook of her own, the one she always uses for investigations. "I think I've identified each murder weapon used. The metal bat, the pair of scissors, the mallet, and the garden rake. It's safe to assume that the mallet was used on K1-B0, due to the oil on the tool. I also believe that it was used on Miu Iruma. And the rake..."

"With You Again" ☆ Saiouma Halloween Special 2021Where stories live. Discover now