Chapter 12

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Tiny Point of View

"I love you."

Goodness! No I don't.

Why is he like this suddenly when he knows everything?

I shook my head with a frown and waved my hands to try again. I can't believe he said that. He, of all people, said that.

"Then what is it?" He asked frowning down at me.

"Meow Meeoww Meoow." I repeated again calmly for the tenth time in past ten minutes.

My eyes wandered around to look at the Allard sisters sitting before Human sculpture and me like queens of some kind.

"What nonsense is this? Are we wasting our precious time on this?" The younger Allard sister, Anete Allard grumbled in anger.

My time is precious too. I need all the time today with my Human sculpture but here I am, talking to ignorant people.

"So you hate them." I wanted to nod but dearest, that is not what I meant. Human sculpture himself looked lost and frustrated by this new job of translating.

I wanted to bring Quince or Soul with me but then decided otherwise with a thought that Human sculpture should know and understand me better so we can be a good couple in the future.

Truth to be told, even in frustration he looks so hot.

"Meow meow, meow meow meow!?" I said altering my tone accordingly so he can understand at least in that way.

This time even the two demon sisters participated in the show and started answering. "You want to apologize to us?" Anete Allard said.

And Ladies and gentleman, that is misconception sitting right there in person.

"By the way, you have an interesting cousin." Ilaria Allard said in a soft whisper.

Sorry, but my dear cousin is not into you lady! He is two years younger to you.

"Wait, you wanted to say, 'remember what I was telling you?'. Is that it?" I nodded enthusiastically at the right guess by none other than my future meow.

I smiled widely when he finally sighed at the right guess and opened his mouth to answer again. "In the car, on the way here, you were talking about... mostly about how painful your periods are."

That's right; menstruation is really a monthly headache which gives stomachache but that isn't all we were talking about.

"I know right. These men will never know how painful and moody we feel for the whole week." Anete commented immediately before I shook my head at Human sculpture for the wrong guess.

With a supporting nod, Ilaria sighed painfully and all the three of us exchanged glances and gave each other a fist bump.

Wait! They are my enemies now!

Heavenly master! What am I doing?

"Um hmm." I hummed shaking my head wildly to let him know he got the wrong answer. I gestured him to keep going with his guess so we can stop at the right one.

"No? It's not about periods?" I shook my head again. "Then you were telling about this certain stall that sells world's best tacos."

My God! He remembers everything except for the main thing. But why does he look so adorable when he is giving wrong guesses.

"World's best tacos – hey, isn't it that place, the stall in the opposite street of the city auditorium." Ilaria Allard! You know that stall?

I nodded my head and again we three girls exchanged glances at each other running tongue over our lips, moaning 'yummy'.

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