Tiny Point of View
I cannot believe the cousin in law I admire so much turned out to be an Allard.
An unregistered one; but an Allard nonetheless.
Who would've thought that the father of Allard sisters tried his luck with another woman before his marriage and got her pregnant, left her under her family's care and never turned back?
If it wasn't for my dear cousin, Caramel Mya Almond, who is my second granduncle's granddaughter, I wouldn't have know that my lovely cousin in law Injgo was actually an Allard, raised as a De Leon, by his foster parents.
It only came to light when Injgo told her a few days ago when he was a little drunk. Although it was clear that he doesn't like the Allard's parents and their family, the very fact that he is an Allard himself twisted my tongue to meow at him.
I told him I want to help him tell the Allard sisters of his existence but he denied saying he doesn't want anything to do with them. And so, he rejected my help.
Injgo and I are very close. He is like a bother and cousin to me and to say we love poking fun of each other is how I describe my relation with him.
We joke around each other and I really like making fun of him. He always has this weird style of presenting himself, like he was one of the pharaohs from Egypt.
In turn, whenever he comes, he makes sure to put an effort to either scare me or embarrass me in one way or the other.
Caution : All's for fun!
I need to close the deal with this Allard revenge chapter soon so I can go back to talking properly with Injgo. I can't be meowing at him for any longer and bear the consequences of made fun off when I cannot return back the favor.
Walking into my small office, I waved and smiled at my friends aka business partners before sitting for an important meeting with them.
"How were you able to get a contract from the Millard Pharmaceuticals? Can't believe we shall represent their investment quotients after signing the contract." Dante, our PR, spoke looking at me proudly.
I grinned at them, brushing back my hair from my shoulder arrogantly. Only at times like this do I get a chance to act arrogantly and I'm not intending to pass the chance.
After spending good enough time with Human sculpture, I've picked up a thing or two in that department.
"I always wanted to work with so I sent them an invitation to Zorion Nigel's birthday party few days ago."
"And they came?" Soul inquired doubtfully.
"Under the Zorion Nigel's name." I completed and saw the others nodding their head in understanding.
"I thought there were only family and close friends that night?" Soul asked, when she silently expressed the she did not see any outsiders that night.
"Oh, I told them that the party is freestyle bohemian themed so they came in the Millard couple came in their casuals, looking like just the ordinary traders. They enjoyed the party, had a simple conversation with me and then gifted me with a contract when I told them I'm a Goddess of investments."
The old Millard couple are such sweethearts. Unlike Allard's they did not look down on my skills. They spoke, verified, investigated and then gave me the chance.
Indeed, old people are the best; just like wine.
Continuing the small meeting for the next few minutes, we got a check mark from my cousin who is a lawyer and we signed and closed the deal.

Draining Mr. Brainy -(DA series book 1)
Romance"I'm Tiny." "I absolutely do not think so." "No, my name is tiny." "That's okay; just tell me what it is." "No you don't understand. My name is really tiny." "How tiny can it be? Less than an alphabet, a coma, colon or a dot? Just spill it out." "I...