Part 7

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The last thing Lindsey wanted to do was be at an after party. He didn't feel particularly close to his bandmates right now. All everyone seemed to care about the past couple of weeks was Stevie. They treated her the way he did during the days leading up to Robin's death and right after. She could probably tell them to fuck off and they would thank her for that. He realized that every person had their own way of dealing with tragedy, but she was quickly getting out of control. She was an easy target to anyone, who had a gram of coke on them. She'd smile, bat her eyelashes and get whatever she wanted from whomever she wanted. And unfortunately, so would they. The band was back in California and tonight was even worse. 

"Why are you so grumpy all the time?" Carol Ann leaned in to kiss Lindsey's neck, hoping to distract him. "You haven't once looked my way, baby."

Yeah, because I have to keep an eye on Stevie. "I'm just tired." The response was automatic at this point. "I didn't even want to come here, but you did."

"Aw, you came here for me?" A girlish giggle escaped her and her hand fell on his thigh. "Do you want to dance?"

"No, I don't want to dance." Lindsey spoke through gritted teeth.

Jimmy drifted into his line of sight and he cringed. What on earth did she see in him? Lindsey didn't want to believe that Stevie fucked Jimmy just so he would produce her album, but who could really know with her nowadays. He clenched his fist, seeing as Stevie threw her head back laughing after Jimmy had said something to her. Her arms wrapped around his neck and his hands gripped her sides, pulling her in for a kiss.

"I thought, you were done with her." Carol Ann rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her drink. "Actually, I thought, she was done with him."

"Where did you hear that?" Lindsey faced his girlfriend, his interest piqued. 

"Uh, just... people." 

Lindsey's gaze shifted back onto the couple, however, Stevie was nowhere to be seen and Jimmy looked pissed. Interesting. Before Lindsey could locate Stevie in the crowd, she made her way back to the band's booth and slumped down heavily on his left.

"I think, your boyfriend's looking for you." Lindsey tipped his beer bottle in Jimmy's direction, but Stevie didn't seem all that interested. 

"Fuck him." Lindsey glanced at Carol Ann, who shrugged her shoulders as if saying, told you. "This sucks. I'm bored."

No, you're coming down from your high

"Uh, hey, Stevie." Carol Ann sat up straight, looking across the table. "Do you maybe wanna powder your nose?" 

Lindsey frowned, but he wasn't quick enough to say anything as Stevie jumped back on her feet and waited for the other woman to get up as well.

Well, isn't this fucking great. Lindsey sighed, rubbing at his tired eyes. It was a sick joke, when his girlfriend could give more to Stevie than he could. The only thing making the whole situation more miserable was Jimmy making himself comfortable, where Stevie had just sat.

"Man..." Jimmy sighed, knocking back his drink. "I don't get it."

Taking a deep breath, Lindsey knew, there wasn't a way out of this conversation. "What?"

"How did you manage to stay with her for so long?" 

"Well, Carol Ann isn't the brightest-"

"No, man." Jimmy shook his head. "Stevie. One minute she's all over me, the next she's telling me, she thinks, we should break up. Can't figure her out. If only she weren't such a good lay. The bitch is crazy!"

"Watch your fucking mouth." Lindsey said, putting his empty bottle on the table with a loud thud. "Who are you to judge anyone?"

"I..." Jimmy frowned, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. "Sorry."

What a shitshow.

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