Jeez Jeff...

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This chapter is Dedicated to BloodyRosabell, for being very insistent with my updates. READ ON WITH THE JEEFEHNESS.!

Walking into the house my mother was already screaming my name. "Kaitlynn!" She screamed, and my sisters could be heard from the living room. "Oh, you've done it now..." That was Cecili. "She is SO mad!" Emilia added, as I walked into the Kitchen. I bowed my head respectfully. "Yes, mother?" I asked, shaking inside.  "Look. Look at this. Is this dinner? I don't think it is. this is Crap. This is an utter disgrace!" Mother yelled as She opened the pot that had been filled with soup that was now black, and crusty. I gasped. "But I-" Smak. I winced, but didn't say anything as my cheek throbbed, ad liquid trickled from slashes caused by her nails. "You will not talk back to me, and you will remake dinner, from scratch." She hissed, as she walked out of the room. I walked towards the pot and placed it into the sink, deciding to work on it after I made Dinner. I was as silent as I could, opening the fridge and pulling out some meat, placing it on the Island, and then ducking down to the cabinets that held the pots and pans, pulling out a pan, and turning I placed it on the Island as well, before turning around and grabbing the non-stick pan spray from the counter by the Oven and spraying the Pan, then, turning once more, I placed the Pan on the Oven, turning it to heat level 6, and then placed the spray back in its original place. I opened the meat with a pair of scizzors (Don't think I spelled that right...) and then dumped it into the Pan. A sizzling pop followed as I reached into the open cabinet for Spices, sprinkling it on the meat. "Dash of honey to sweeten it up.." I whispered, drizzling some honey onto the browning meat, as it crackled and snapped. I pulled out another pot, filling it with water as the meat slowly browned, placing it on the oven as well, putting some oil into it as I stirred the meat. The meat was done browning so I pulled it off  the Oven and placed it on a hand towel on the Island, and then I picked out the noodles from a drawer (Anyone else think of A series of Misfortunate Events? Hehehe) And poured them into the boiling water. As the noodles slowly softened, I pulled a strainer out and placed it in the other sink, to pour the water into when it was done, and waited. about ten minutes later, I poured it out and shook the Strainer. I walked away and pulled some sauce out, pouring it into the pot and then pouring the meat in, finally reaching for the Noodles and pouring them in too, before stirring it all up. "Spaghetti's done, Mother, Sisters." I called from the kitchen, then quickly retreated to my 'room'. I sighed as I flopped onto the tiny bed, Wincing as I remembered my cuts. I slowly got back up and walked to the bathroom off of the Living room, opening the mirror and pulling out medicine supplies. Bandages, Surgical Tape, Disinfectant wipes and spray, and gauze. I sprayed the cuts on my cheek with the Disinfectant, wincing from the slight stink as it started bubbling. "Ew. That means Mother's nails were dirty. GROSS!" I whispered, sneering in disgust as I covered it with gauze pads and tape. Returning the supplies, I again retreated to my room and drew the privacy curtain shut, pulling off my clothes and rummaging through my night drawer, pulling out my Shorts and Tank-Top, slipping them on before Falling into my bed and asleep.


I woke up, and I could tell someone was in the house. It was subtle, but worry-some. I slid out of my covers, hair in a mess around my head, as I blearily made my way out of my little room and into the living room. Someone was definitely shuffling about. I couldn't exactly make out the details, sleep blurred my vision as I strained to recognize who it was. "Kate... Go back to bed, doll." I irk marked. "Jeff, get out of my house." I growled, glaring at the white jacket clad male.  "Nah, doll, I just got here. 'Sides, I haven't even killed anyone yet!" The male replied, grinning sadistically. "Jeez Jeff. Whatever. Don't make a big mess, to much noise, and let me sleep." I muttered, turning my back on him and walking to my room, closing the curtain with a twitch behind me, and flopping onto my bed, Passing out again. Of course, Jeff comes crashing into my room about twenty minutes later, scaring the living pee out of me. "JEFF WHAT THE HELL?!!" I yelped at him, glaring. He rubbed the back of his head. "Ehehehe... Hi?" He asked, and I stood up on my bed, making me taller than him, and hit his head. Hard. "YOU IDIOT I WAS ASLEEP!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I shrieked at him, glaring. He shrugged and pouted, rubbing his head. I sighed. "Whatever. What do you want?" I grumbled at him, yawning. "Eh, Kate I'm bored~" He flopped onto my bed, groaning. "Baka ne Jeff, GET OFFA MY BED!"I yelped at him,flopping and pushing him off with my feet. He fell with a thunk. "Kate~!" He drew my name out, and pouted from the floor. "No. My bed. Go kill somebody." He perked up. "There's more poeple here?" I looked at him oddly. "What do you mean? I have two sisters, a 'Mother' and me. Who else is there?"I mumbled. He sighed and lay back down. "Thought so. I already killed the blondy, and brunette, and the unnatural black haired one." I gaped at him, but slowly, a grin scrambled its way across my face. "Y-you killed Cecili, Emilia, and Mother?!"I questioned him. He giggled, pulling out a bloodied knife from his pocket, and licked it. "Yup. They died pretty quick though..." He sighed, apparently annoyed. I snickered. "I'm surprized they didn't scream like scared little rabbits..." I mumbled before climbing out of bed and pushing Jeff out of my room. I made sure the curtain was completely closed before shucking off the sweaty night clothes from tonight, and rummaged through my clothes drawer. "Katee~ What ar-" The curtain opened to reveal Jeff, STARING AT ME!! I shrieked and threw a pillow at his head. "PERVERT!!!" I yell as he turns and practically runs from my room. Blushing, I close the curtain again and growl, slipping on the SlipKnot shirt I had picked out, grey skinny jeans, a Batman fedora //I HAVE ONE OF DOES YOU GUYSSS// And a large orangesweater. Walking out I glare at Jeff who quickly makes a mad dash down the hallway, me right on his heels, quietly yelling at him. "JEFF WHEN A GIRL THROWS YOU OUT OF HER ROOM, YOU STAY OUT! AGH, YOU PERVERT!"I told him as he hid behind the couch. "Sorry! Sorry!" He apologized, blushing.

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