Multiple POVs
Karl's POV(Song recommendation: "Doja Cat - Need to know (slowed + reverb")
I wake up to feel two bodies next to me. I look to my left and see Quackity, to my right is George. They were nuzzled up to my chest using me as a pillow. Now I'm in a tough situation, I'm tired anyway, I should go back to sleep. I noticed movement from George, he slowly rises up and rubs his eyes. He yawns then looks around, he looked like a clueless baby. It was honestly very cute, he looks at me then lays back down on my chest. He looks up at me and smiles, "Morning," he said in a low raspy voice.
I smiled, "Morning," I replied. I wrap my arms around Quackity and George. George smiled and moved closer to me. "You should go to sleep, you've been up for so long driving," George said to me. I'm so glad he's understanding and I do feel a bit tired. "Okay..." I say slowly drifting off to sleep.
George's POV
I watched as Karl drifted back to sleep. He really is tired, he fell asleep immediately. I get up from his grasp and get off the bed. I looked around in the room we were staying in. It has a bathroom, nice! I grab the clothes I'm going to wear for the day and head inside the bathroom. I take a 15 minute shower then get out and change my clothes. I have a super big blue hoodie with a 404 in the front and an error on the back. I then put on knee length shorts. I'm trying to look as normal as possible, I don't want Dream and Sapnap to think I'm weird.
I walk out the bathroom, they are still asleep. I grab my phone and walk out the room, trying to be as quiet as possible. I close the door and turn around. I was startled when I saw Sapnap, I fell back a little but he caught me. I was shocked, he pulled me closer to him. I can feel my face heating up, "T-Thank you Sapnap," I said nervously looking away from him. I looked back and he just smiled at me, it was so genuine. He let me go and said, "You're welcome! I didn't expect our first encounter to be something like this!" He laughed off the last part.
I chuckled, nodded my head and said, "Yeah." He tiltled his head, "Are the other two not awake?" He asked. I shook my head, "They were the ones driving for two days so it's best if they get some sleep," I said. "Ah, I understand. How about we get some breakfast and catch up eh?" He said walking away. He didn't even give me room to argue, I follow behind him. It's like he wasn't even asking a question at all.... We make it to the kitchen and I look around.
"Where's Dream?" I asked looking back at him. "He's still sleeping," he replied. "What do you want to eat?" He asked. "I'm not picking, anything is fine by me," I replied. He let out a slight hum and went to the fridge. I sat down at the island in the middle of the kitchen. It was just silence, I didn't know what to say. Then the silence was broken, "I heard you guys moved here for y'all job. What do you work as?" He asked not looking at me. I paused for a bit, I had to make something up and fast. My thoughts were interrupted, "Tell me when you're ready," he said, "I'm not going to rush you yet especially if you're not comfortable telling me."
I've never seen this side of Sapnap, he's so understanding. I smile and say, "Thank you..." He let out a slight hum acknowledging my words. It was just silence this time, it weirdly felt comforting to me. We didn't need to talk to have a conversation. (That ever happened to you guys before? Happened to me and the silence is so nice. Even if you guys don't talk they are still there for you.)
Sapnap's POV
I don't want to rush George on his answer so I just closed the conversation. In full honesty I wanted to pry it out of him but I decided not to. His line of work sounds like something he doesn't want us to know which makes me more suspicious... I finish making breakfast which is waffles. Enough for everybody in the house, more even. I grab two plates and put one for George, the other for me. I put his plate in front of him, "Thanks," he said. I grabbed some syrup from the fridge and passed it to him.
We both started eating, slowly one by one everyone came out of their rooms. First Dream, then Quackity and lastly Karl. We are all together now, I feel all gitty inside. "Why don't we all play a game, get to know each other more," I suggested. "What would we even play?" Dream asked. "We could play board games and later tonight we can play something more daring," Quackity suggested. We all nodded our heads and pulled out a set of board games we had in the house. Did we ever use them up until now? No.
We finished our last game of Monopoly, we all argued with each other. Along with shit talking, Karl won, I don't even know how. He was losing one minute and the next he won. "You definitely cheated!" I yelled. "How could I cheat Sapnap?!" Karl replied. "You were losing 5 seconds ago, that don't add up!" I yelled. Everyone just laughed including me. I look outside and its night time, I look back over to the group. "What 'daring' game do you have in mind Quackity?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He smirked at me, "Truth or dare with alcohol," he said.
(Song ended? Recommend: "Woman - Doja Cat (Slow + bass boosted)")
(In my AU they are all legal enough to drink. I don't want to see any comments 💀💀)
We all looked at each other and nodded our heads. Dream and I got up to grab 5 liquor bottles. We come back, rest them on the table and sit down next to each other. The three of them moved where they were sitting near each other as well. "Okay everyone take 5 shots, then we'll start the game," Quackity said.
Karl's POV
I know I may not look like it but I'm not a lightweight. I can drink 10 bottles of wine without fail. So I know I'll be the most sober here. I bet George or Sapnap would he the first one drunk. "Honk it," I said, I took up my bottle of liquor and down it in 5 seconds. Everyone looked at me with a shock expression, I shrugged my shoulders, "What?" I asked while laughing out. "Holy shit, I never knew you could do that Karlos, that's hot," Quackity said. George, Quackity and I laughed at his joke. Dream let out an audible chuckle.
"Got another?" I asked scratching the back of my head. "Another?!" George yelled, "Calm down, Popeye we didn't finish our spinach yet." We all laughed at his joke. After we all finished drinking out 5 cups and my extra bottle. We started playing, like I predicted George and Sapnap was the first ones wasted. George was clinging onto me while Sapnap was on Dream. "Dream truth or dare?" I spoke. "Truth," he responded. I smirked, "You dating Sapnap?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
He smiled and nodded his head. "Truth or dare, George?" Dream asked. "Dare," he said feeling brave. "I dare you to sit on Karl's lap," he said. George got up and sat on my lap, I put my hand on his waist to support him. He wrapped his arm around the back of my neck and leans into me. A few rounds of liquor and truth or dare later. Quackity and Sapnap is now on sitting on Dream's lap while George is still on mine. I was jealous I'll admit, but I like all of my friends. I can tell he was kinda irritated too since George snuggled into me. "Jealous?" I asked with a smirk.
He scoffed, "I should he asking that question, Karl," he said in a monotone voice. It was honesty kinda hot. "Be honest with me Dream, you like all of us more than friends right?" I asked smirking raising an eyebrow. He smiled at me, "Yeah, what about it?" "We all like each other so what's the point of being jealous of each other huh?" I asked. He let out a slight hum. "Why we even beating around the bush? We all like each other might as well date already," a drunk angry Sapnap said. Dream and I giggled, "I don't mind at all," I said look at them.
George nodded his head so did Quackity. Dream sighs, "We should go to bed and talk more about this tomorrow." We all nod our heads, I pick up George bridal style and make my way to our room. I lay him in the bed and go back for Quackity. I pick him up off of Dream's lap and look at him. I smile and say, "Night." I walk back to the room, "Night." I hear as I leave. I lay Quackity on the bed and I crawl in the middle. The both snuggle up to me and we slowly drift off to sleep.
(I've almost lost motivation writing this. This has never happened before and I'm kinda scared 😃🤚🏿 I find this chapter kinda boring like Naruto filler. Forgive me the interesting shit will happen next chapter. Then I'll do ships, then I'll end this book)

Stripper AU Karlnapitywasfound
FanfictionSapnap and Dream has been suspicious of how George, Quackity and Karl comes home with so much money. When they ask them they just avoid the questions or asks if they want some. They soon find out the truth. They are all roomates in this AU. This ta...