♡︎ 𝑀𝑦 𝑇𝑖𝑛𝑦 𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟 (𝐸𝑙𝑡𝑜𝑛 𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛)

307 11 23

Yes, I know Elton is gay, but I had this chapter in mind and couldn't help but to write it.

Y/N= Your Name

E/C= Your Eye Color
Y/N/N= Your nick name


Y/N felt small tears flowing down her cheeks as she grabbed two different pregnancy tests. Despite only being with Elton for a year, she truly loved him. He was patient and waited until their one-year anniversary, which was two weeks ago. Y/N had been hiding her slight sickness, not only from Elton, but from herself. Of course, she couldn't be pregnant. She had read in a magazine that you had to do it at least twice to become pregnant. Of course, this was a cheep magazine she skimmed through in a hair salon four years prior,  she just couldn't believe that she might just be pregnant.

Y/N put the tests on the counter and the cashier gave her a dirty look. Even though she was 23, Y/N looked like she was 17.

"Five pounds and twenty-four cents for the pregnancy tests, miss." The cashier said, making sure to be louder than necessary. Y/N handed the cashier the money and ran out of the store. She sighed and turned on the radio.

I'll never be your beast of burden...

Y/N smiled for the first time all day, this song always got her in a good mood. Of course, this mood only lasted for a short amount of time. She started up her car and drove out of the parking lot.


Y/N drove to her flat and ran to the bathroom, eager to see the hopefully negative results. She pulled out a test and took it, then waited a couple of minutes. She held her breath and flipped over the test, revealing the dreaded two lines.

"No, this isn't right!" Y/N gasped and dropped the test. She grabbed the other brand and took it too, pregnancy tests could be wrong. She paced around her house anxiously, then returned to her bathroom and flipped the other test over, revealing another two lines. Tears went down her cheeks and Y/N grabbed the tests, threw them in a bag, got her keys, then ran out of her flat to her car.


Y/N walked up to Elton's flat and let herself in with the key under the mat. Thankfully, nobody was home yet, but she knew he would be back in a couple of minuets. His roommate and songwriter, Bernie, was visiting family today and wouldn't be home. Y/N sat down on the couch and spread herself across it, waiting for Elton to come come. She was only laying there for about 30 seconds before she fell into a deep sleep.


"Y/N? Y/N, sweetheart, wake up." Elton whispered and gently shook Y/N. She moaned and opened her eyes slightly, reveling her boyfriend's innocent face.

"What is my tiny dancer doing here?" He asked her, quoting one of his newer songs. Tears went down her dry cheeks, not wanting to tell him. She pointed to the bag and he went over to grab it.

"D-do I open it?" Elton asked.

"No John, you just sit there and hold it." Y/N snapped.

"I don't know what's wrong Y/N but I certainly don't deserve you snapping at me like this." Elton told her, letting his temper get the best of him. He saw a tear roll down her cheek and he immediately regret what he just said. He picked Y/N up and set her on his lap, letting her cry into his shirt.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, please tell me what's wrong." Elton whispered and kissed her head.

"El, I'm pregnant with your child." Y/N mumbled and hid her face in his chest, not wanting to see his reaction.

"Y-your pregnant?" He gasped and Y/N slightly nodded.

"Are you mad at me?" She cried.

"I'm going to be a father?" He asked her and she nodded again.

"Y/N/N, this is great! We're going to be parents!" He yelled and picked her up bridal style. "Their going to have your beautiful E/C, and my red hair, or maybe the other way around. I'll teach them piano and you can read with them and we can have movie nights and bake and listen to records and watch them grown up, Y/N, this is the best news!" Elton jumped around with Y/N in his arms. Y/N got down and gave him a small peck on lips, then giggled when Elton grabbed her waste and kissed her back, still smiling.

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