Forty Eight

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"Hey is this the stripper from-." Pausing Ezekiel looked up lost. "Oh ok my bad." Hanging up he shook his head.

"Damn bruh thats like the tenth number you done called."  Chance laughed into my hair as he hugged me close rubbing on my ass.

"I got a few more hold up bruh." He pressed another number, this time putting the phone on speaker as he lit up another blunt.

It rung a few times when finally a female answered. "Whats up baby." She spoke seductively.
Ezekiels eyes perked up and he took the blunt out his mouth.
"Aye this that stripper?" He said back excitedly.

She giggled on the phone as if that was a joke. "Yeah baby whats up? You calling for some sex? I Aint seen you in a while." She clicked her tongue.

Fake gagging, I cut My eyes at him. She was just nasty.

"Oh Nah- I was calling cause I need yo homegirl number, the one that was at the party with you...?"

"Oh Juicy- I see." She laughed. "Well I can't give you her number but I know she at the club right now."

"Can You send me her address?" He asked, and just from behind him you could see Selena rushing out of the hospital.

"We have to go!" She called getting closer, rushing inside the car.

"Iight bet thanks." Ezekiel hung up while walking over to the driver side. "What happened?" He asked her as we all got in and he started the truck up driving off.

"Doctors came in the room and started to ask questions." She shook her head looking back.

"Did Life say some?" Ez asked.

"I wouldn't give a fuck if he did." Chance sucked his teeth.

"He didn't from what I know." Selena spoke, sitting back in her seat with a sigh of relief.

Hearing Ez phone go off we all watched as he put the address up on the gps.

"Where we going?" Selena asked watching him type onto the screen somehow still managing to drive.

"24 Turook Lane." Ez called over to her.

" twenty foe turook? That sounds familiar as hell-." Chance looked at the gps then typed the address into google. "Thats Marcos club." He said with his lip turned up.

"Shit lets go." Ez took off heading on to the highway to cut off the traffic lights.

Once we were just a few minutes away I could see Chance loading a gun. Reaching my arm out I went to stop him.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Somethin' don't feel right La'kayla." Chance looked back at me putting the gun on safety then handing it to me. "Put it in your pants." He urged.


"Please Baby- just for my peace of mind." He tiled his head towards me.

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