March, 2000

236 6 0

Melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love


The tutoring session was nearing its end.

They'd started going over sports, and whereas last week Harry had struggled through the lecture series on electricity, today's topic had been Muggle Sports: Introduced. Malfoy had been disappointed to learn that none of the common muggle sports included flying, and declared that simply running around a field was 'inhumane' and 'downright barbaric'. He had not been happy when Harry had remarked that physical power and endurance were actually the key elements of muggle sports. Explaining football and basketball had made Malfoy scrunch his nose, he'd reluctantly listened to Harry talk about swimming and cycling, but absolutely drew the line at golfing and skiing. They, he announced, 'do not require skill – anyone can hit a ball or slide down a hill'. Malfoy had also rolled his eyes when Harry had reported that most ball games featured only one ball, rather than the standard four used in Quidditch. This, in Malfoy's opinion, was 'awfully tedious' and 'unimaginative'.

By now, Harry'd realized that arguing back was futile, partly since Malfoy was unlikely to change his mind once he'd made it up, and partly because Harry only had limited knowledge and experience of muggle sports. He distantly remembered running around a slippery grass field after a football and one of the bigger boys in the opposing team tackling him. Truthfully, he couldn't really defend the sport. That is why it was even more surprising to hear himself say, "Oh, come on Malfoy. It's not that bad. I'll take you to a match and you'll see how exciting it can be."

Except that Harry had only ever seen real football matches from the television, when Vernon had had the telly on in the background on weekends sometimes, or when the Dursleys had been out and Harry'd had full control over the remote. And there was another thing he hadn't realized, which became apparent when Malfoy snorted at his proposition and replied, "Asking me on a date are you? I'll have you know that the last thing I'd ever agree to attend would be a muggle sporting event." His tone was mocking, but the red flush on his ears didn't escape Harry.

However, the words did rouse the panic of being caught in him, and he all too quickly stated that he didn't mean it as a date. He knew his expression was grim, but the offence that crossed Malfoy's features was a hundred times worse. He realized it probably wasn't the smartest approach to imply that he wouldn't want to take Malfoy on a proper date. Especially since he really, really did.

"I'll have you know, you'd be lucky to get a date with me, scarhead." Malfoy's tone was cross, and he didn't seem as playful as his words led on.

Harry's heart leapt in his chest as he looked at Malfoy's graceful frame twitch in his seat under Harry's gaze. Oh, how he wanted to take Malfoy out, date the hell out of him. He would've agreed on the spot, if Malfoy'd only asked. "I know," Harry murmured, and watched Malfoy's expression soften into something more unsure, his eyes shifting towards Harry and away, and the red of his ears spreading to his cheeks. He was really so very lovely.

The silence stretched between them, with Malfoy's eyes now downcast, his hands squeezing the seat of the chair. Harry wanted to say something, ask him out. Or even just tell him that he'd really like to do that. But Harry knew Malfoy'd decline if he proposed a real date. He wasn't one to take risks, and Harry knew he was a risk. A huge, massive, risky risk.

So, as always, Harry changed the subject. He knew it wasn't suave, but it was effective. It was the only way he knew how to handle Malfoy when he got like this. "So what did you get on the quiz on Monday?" Harry inquired in a tone he hoped appeared relaxed, "here's your chance to gloat."

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