June, 2000

192 9 2

We're accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love


After the first N.E.W.T. was finally over and done with, the whole lot of seventh- and eighth-years seemed to have relaxed a little bit, and although the hours were still long, the heavy desperation that had been floating around the library had started to dissipate. The discussion around Charms theory and revision was livelier and more driven compared to the futile hypothesizing about possible questions that they would have in Potions. All in all, the shift in the general atmosphere among the students was for the positive, and the colour started returning to people's faces after a few well-slept nights.

Ron had been quite confident in his Potions N.E.W.T., and he and Harry had quickly buried themselves in Charms-related work to prepare for Thursday. The exam would consist of a morning of theory examination, and the afternoon would bring about practical evaluations, and this required two long evenings spent around a common room table, trying to make water disappear and reappear, along with various other complicated spells.

Harry and Ron were joined in their little rehearsals by Neville and Luna again, and while Hermione also occupied a space in their little troupe, she seemed to be the only one to have decided she would not get too comfortable. Hence, for six hours every day, she was muttering something behind one book or another, and for six more she was casting charms on one thing or another with the speed and determination of someone preparing to out-magic Flitwick himself.

The exam itself turned out to be easier than they'd initially thought, and although Harry managed to change the colour of his teacup from plain white into a bright aquamarine as requested, he unfortunately overdid the leg-growing charm, making one of the teacup's new legs two times longer than the other ones. The Tarantallegra spell still worked, but it looked pitiful. After, when Harry and Ron were comparing their blunders, Hermione emerged from the exam hall looking white as a ghost and mumbling something about rethinking the whole point of her essay for one of the questions from the theory section. Ron just rolled his eyes as he walked Hermione back to the common room. They both knew she'd done amazing.

During all of this, Harry'd done an expert job of avoiding Malfoy.

Even though it had felt like the right thing to say in the moment, Harry couldn't help feeling embarrassed by his little confession after the Potions exam. After all, he had no idea where Malfoy's head was at then, and even now he hadn't a clue how Malfoy felt about the whole thing. What was happening with this whole being-a-good-son-and-getting-married ordeal? Did Malfoy have feelings for Harry? Had he ever?

While Harry tried his best to study, questions about Malfoy haunted him. But right now, in the midst of the exams, he simply didn't have the initiative and courage in him to face Malfoy. So, although there was hardly a need for a letter anymore now that Malfoy had relocated to Hogwarts, it still felt like the best way to try and put what he was feeling into words. Meanwhile, he stuck to Ron's side like he was a human lifebuoy in his attempts to avoid any unwanted confrontations. It seemed that he didn't have to work too hard on this goal, because while Harry might have been good at avoiding Malfoy, Malfoy was the bloody master, which meant that they crossed paths virtually never.




and happy birthday, I hope you have a good one. I'm not sure how these types of letters usually start, and I know you hate anything soppy, so I'll just go straight to the point. I don't want you to go off and marry some pureblood girl. And I don't think you want to do that, either. I know you want to make your mum happy, and honour your family name and all that stuff, but I also think your mum would want what's best for you. You deserve to be happy, and I think I can make you happy. I know it's selfish to say, but I want you to choose me. You know I've already chosen you. You make me feel alive in all the best ways, you're smart and funny and unapologetic and (even if you don't want me to know it) compassionate. I can't get enough of being with you, and not seeing you is driving me a bit mad, honestly. I know I'm rubbish at saying how I feel, so I'm writing it here. I really hope you won't throw this letter away.

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