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"Is it Dylan, mouch?" Boden huffed through the radio. Jay was now torn. He was looking out for both his dad and his sister who could come out of the front door at any given second now. His mind was a foggy mess. After getting no reply from mouch, Boden turned his attention back to the entrance door. Everything was silent before two people emerged from the smoke, one was dragging an immobilised body and the other was carrying an older man. "Dad..." jay ran over to him. Brett pushed the gurney over to him as Casey set pat down onto the bed, "hey, this is my father. His names pat Halstead. He's 64 years old, listen he just had bypass surgery a few months ago" jay looked up at Brett whilst keeping an eye out for mouch and Dylan.

"Dad can you hear me?" He looked down at his dad who was coughing like hell. Pat nodded, "I'm okay, I'm okay jay" he caught his breath back. Jay sighed thankfully, "Ronnie looks like he's gonna be okay" he explained. "You did good" Brett smiled weakly. "You're damn lucky to be alive" Emily foster added. Pat nodded and continued his coughing fit, "dyl..." he managed to spit out. Jay nodded, "they're bringing her out now" he sighed doubtfully. "We gotta get him to med" Brett nodded back. Jay sighed, "you wait for dyl..." pat coughed up. Jay nodded and tapped the back of the ambo as the doors closed. He watched as the ambulance drove away but the sound of bustling behind him made him snap out of his thoughts.

"Jay! It's Dylan!" Kelly yelled as Hermann set the kid down on a stretcher. The paramedics got straight to work and began cutting her top off to gain better access to her torso, "still no pulse, push another eppy. I'm charging to 200" the leading paramedic concluded. Jay shook his head, it cannot go down like this, she can't die on him now... "clear!" The man yelled. Everyone stepped back as jay watched his baby sisters body hang lifelessly after being shocked, it was like everything was moving in slow motion and he couldn't control it at all. The man checked her pulse again, "she's back in sinus rhythm, let's move!" He packed up the defibrillator. Jay threw his head back in relief, "I'm her brother, I'm coming with you" he hopped in the back too. Instantly grabbing her hand as he sat down on the bench, tears flowing silently down his cheeks. Boden tapped the back of the ambo doors as it got ready to drive away.


         "Decreased breath sounds on the left, bp's 60/90, smoke inhalation victim. 15 years old. No visible burns but unconscious" the paramedics pushed Dylan's gurney into a treatment room.  Dr bekker ran over, "transfer on my count... 3, 2, 1" she took one side of the back board. They quickly pulled the x-Ray machine over to her chest, "clear" the man nodded. Everyone waited patiently before the results came up, even jay was stood in the room despite the doctors pleas in getting him out, "tension pneumothorax in the left lung... I wanna take the surgical route, it'll give her a better chance of full recovery, secure an IV and put her on oxygen. We don't have time to get her up to the OR, we're doing it here" ava nodded at the nurses. The curtains were closed in jays face as the brunette felt a careful hand pulled him back, "let them work" hailey squeezed his arm. She had gotten here the second she heard about what had happened.

                 "Jay, hey man, where's Dylan? Dads getting checked out now, he's responding and lucid so that's good" will quickly ran over to the two detectives.  Jays head shot over to the red head, "she's in there, I think they're doing surgery on her now" he spoke with the shakiest voice Will had ever heard. Will shook his head, "what? Why?" His voice dipped a little. Jay nodded, "something about a tension pneumothorax, she wasn't breathing when they pulled her out. They got a pulse back on the way over here..." he wiped a tear away. Will paused, "she's strong, she'll be okay" he sighed heavily. Jay nodded, "and dad?" He looked up at his brother. Will paused, "he's okay for now, they're checking out his stent though so we'll have to wait" he rubbed his head.


                 "Dad?" Will sighed heavily and walked into the hospital room.  Pat was hooked up to all kinds of machines, but he was barely responding anymore, jay stood up from his chair and joined his brother.  "Dylan" pat huffed out.  The red head nodded, "she's still in surgery" he frowned.  Pat looked up at the bright lights, "but she's gonna be okay?" He coughed.  Jay looked over at Will who looked torn, "I'm sure she will, she'll pull through, but you need to rest up" he turned up the oxygen.  Pat nodded and closed his eyes, he want going to pass on the opportunity to sleep but all of their minds were on Dylan, this was all too chaotic.


"Will" ava knocked on the hospital door. Jay looked up from his magazine, although he couldn't focus on it, and followed his brother out of the room, "is she okay?" The red head folded his arms. Ava paused, "she's in the ICU..." she started but jay cut her off, "what? ICU? What happened?" He shook his head. Will put his hand out to shut his brother up as Ava nodded, "she had a collapsed lung which we managed to repair in surgery, and she has a lot of smoke inhalation plus a few lacerations. She's in a coma right now, so she's not out of the woods just yet, however she is stable and we're gonna be monitoring her every hour" she folded her arms.  Jay looked over at Will and rubbed his chin, no...

             "And recovery?" Will added.  Ava smiled weakly, "I expect she'll make full recovery, there wasn't any dead tissue on her left lung so we didn't have to remove any. She's got a lot of fight in her" she nodded.  Jay nodded in response, "can we see her?" He enquired but before anyone could get an answer, machines started going off from behind them.  Both doctors plus the detective and nearby nurse ran into pats room to see him flat lining, "get him up to the OR now!" Ava yelled.  Dr Rhodes came running down and assisted in leading him up.  Jay threw his head back as Will left him stood in the room to try and follow their dad, "I beg..." he rubbed his hands over his face and mumbled through a shaky voice.

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