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                      "What the actual hell?" Poppy flicked a sprinkler out of the way as she barely missed it, things were dangling down from the ceiling al over the place.  Dylan practically walked into a hosepipe, luckily it wasn't on.  The lights turned on as if on cue, "you're an asshole, and you won't get away with this!" Jessica yelled at the cameras in the room.  The room was nicely lit, but it revealed the state it was in...

                      There were 3 doors to 3 different closets along one wall, and a bunch of open freezers on the other side of the room.  It was freezing in here, "go sit in the closet, keep yourself and your baby warm" Tilly waved Jackie off.  The older woman, nodded and slowly hobbled her way over to the closet, still feeling the pain of childbirth.  "Jesus" Dylan muttered to herself as a chill was sent down her body.  A small TV switched on in the corner of the room, "is that us?" Tilly wandered over to it.  Instantly regretting her footing as the sprinkler system turned on, the closet doors locked shut, "shit!" She squealed as the five other girls were drenched.  Jackie jumped as she was the only one dry.  The closets must be a safe space...

                  "What the actual fuck?! You better pray to god that I don't find you!" Poppy yelled at the camera.  Dylan shuddered as her now soaked clothes made her shiver.  Tilly looked around, "it's pressured, don't step outside of the square..." she concluded.  Everyone stayed silent for a few seconds as everything went back to normal, the closet doors unlocked and everyone was safe again, "stay in there Jackie..." Dylan smiled weakly.  Jackies face was full of concern but she obeyed for the sake of her own child. "Look up, the levers are colored" Dylan pointed out. They all nodded and done as she said, "two yellow, two red and two green, maybe if we pull them in a specific order and it does something" Dylan added.

"I'll go green", "I got a yellow", "I got the red", "I got the other yellow", "I'll watch out in case something happens", they all too on a role each. Dylan stood underneath the green handles and placed her hands on them, "3...2..1..." Jessica nodded. They all pulled them down at the same time. Tilly stood by the edge of the square, "woah, the TV's changing. I got a few numbers here, 2, 3..." she began reading the numbers out but before they knew it the sprinklers were starting to turn again.  "Go go go!" Tilly yelled as the other four girls began running towards the closets.  Dylan froze, her hands dropped down by her sides, mind going completely blank. 

                   "Dylan!" Tilly yelled but before she could run out to go grab the kid, the glass closet doors slammed shut.  Jackie looked up, "she mentioned seizures. Uhhh, absence seizures. She has absence seizures..." she yelled through the gap in the walls.  The water began flowing just as Dylan snapped out of it, she looked around in fear but soon dropped onto her knees as the ice cold water soaked her clothes for the second time, adding to the already bitter sting along her skin.  Tears began flooding down her face, "come on dyl..." Tilly mumbled to herself, the kids proven how strong she is mentally, but can she hold out physically? It took 15 seconds for the water to stop flowing, before the doors unlocked and everything went back to normal. 

                  "Dylan, sweetie? Big deep breaths for me, just breathe. You're gonna be okay..." Tilly reassured the kid as herself and Jessica helped poppy carry the kid into a closet so she wouldn't get drenched again, she's probably already gaining hypothermia... "we gotta hurry this up..." Jessica nodded snd ran back over to the handles.  They all sped up the process and before they knew it they had the code, they only had to hide from the water again.  Tilly sat with Dylan in the second closet so the nurse could check over Dylan, "you have seizures? Are they epileptic?" She rubbed Dylan's arms to try and dry her off a little.  Dylan shook her head, "n-no, they're f-from a head i-injury..." her teeth chattered non-stop.  Tilly nodded, "you're so brave..." she smiled sadly and cupped the teenagers head softly.

                   "I got the passcode, I need one of you to tap it in!" Jessica yelled from her closet as the water slowly came to a halt.  "I got it..." Dylan slowly stood up, she was freezing but she had to keep going.  "Shout it at me!" She wandered over to the door.  "2398!" Jessica yelled as she checked in Jackie along with Tilly.  "It's not working!" Dylan yelled out as she tapped the passcode into the door, her body still shaking ever so slightly. Jessica stepped out of the closet, "maybe we gotta pull the levers too" she opposed. Poppy nodded, "alright, let's try it" she sighed sadly.  Tilly nodded, "Jackie, it might be for the best if you get ready to leave with Dylan, just in case anything happens" she nodded.  Jackie frowned but obeyed, this whole 'game' is a nuisance.

                   "Alright, go" poppy nodded.  They all pulled the handles down as Dylan put the numbers into the padlock, "I got it!" She exclaimed.  "Go!" Jessica yelled.  Dylan and Jackie ran through the door, but since it was an automatic sliding door they couldn't hold it open, "no, no, no!" Jessica pounded her fists against the door as it slammed on their faces.  The showers soon turned back on...

               "No! Guys?! C'mon..." Dylan hit the door with quite a lot of force, but the next room wasn't even a room it was a hallway.  "Dylan honey, we gotta keep moving, I'm sorry" Jackie spoke up after a few minutes.  The showers were still on in the previous room and the chances of the other four being alive right now were slim to nothing.  Dylan looked up at the camera before looking around the hallway, there was a loose pipe in the corner, so she grabbed it and with the small amount of strength she had left, she smashed the camera in the top left corner with it.  Jackie smiled sadly, "let's find a way out kiddo..." she watched as Dylan wiped her tears away.


Kim narrowed her eyes at her screen as another thing popped up on rickys page, "I got another!" She announced. The team soon gathered around, "it says, "and then there were two and half", where's this half coming from? Is he talking about the girls?" She furrowed her brows. Jays heart sunk, there's only two girls alive? Dylan? She better be one of them... It's currently around 2:45am, and this is already proving to be a long night.

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