Chapter 7- Heartbreak- DongFeng

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Authors note: This chapter was inspired by the events in ep 46 of TMOPB. Some dialogue was taken from the series, but I have reordered events to match the fanfics storyline. This is the last chapter of Bold Heart.


Donghua felt as though he had woken up from a sweet dream and into a nightmare. A sharp pang in his chest made him frowned. The pain in his chest radiated from his dead heart. How could it be that what was dead could live again? Perhaps it was the pain of having taste the sweetness of having Feng Jiu and then have it snatched away in a cruel twist of fate.

"SI Ming greets Your Lordship," Star Lord said as he interrupted Donghua from his thoughts.

"Something went terribly wrong," Donghua spoke sharply and glared at Si Ming.

"I beg Your Lordship forgive me." Star Lord said at once. "It was my negligence that caused you to return to your immortal state early."

"How was the schedule sixty-year mortal trial shortened by eighteen years?" Donghua asked unable to keep the thoughts of Feng Jiu as his lover away from his mind. "What has gone wrong?"

"A common mortal would have gone as scheduled." Star Lord said, thinking of the strange events that had taken place and the turbulent magic that had engulfed Dijun's mortal shadow as it died. "Perhaps... Your Lordship is too prestigious, and the Book of Destiny found it difficult to manipulate your fate in the mortal realm. I beg Dijun remembered that this was the first time Your Lordship took the trial, and there might be a few glitches... Or maybe..."

"Speak up." Donghua said as he saw Si Ming wanting to take back his words.

"Mayhap, the six tribulations were too much to bear." Si Ming said and Donghua knew at once that he was lying.

"Are you saying that my love trial with Bai Feng Jiu was too much for me?" Donghua asked coldly and Si Ming startled.

"I would never dare." Star Lord said as he bowed.

Looking over his shoulder, Dijun saw a male figure dressed in black crossing the gates of Tai Chen Palace. "I have just returned to my immortal state yet there are people already coming to see me."

Si Ming, confused, turned to look, and saw Ye Hua bowing at Dijun. "Crown Prince," he greeted before being dismissed by His Lordship.

"Crown Prince, have a seat." Donghua said.


Feng Jiu felt... empty.

She had returned from the mortal realm the moment Donghua had stepped back into an immortal state and had not heard from anyone since. Not even Si Ming had come by to speak with her and it had been a fair number of days already. Feng Jiu had wandered back into the Eastern Lands instead of returning to her childhood home and took refuge in her Aunt's Fox Den finding that only Mi Gu was there. For days she had holed up in her old room not eating or sleeping well while Mi Gu fretted over how to care for her. His shadow crossed her threshold, and the smell of food reached her sensitive nose, but Feng Jiu's mind was far away in the Nine Heavens and Mi Gu had to speak to her to bring her to reality.

"Since Little Princess has repaid His Lordship's kindness you are no longer related to Donghua Dijun." Mi Gu said for what felt like the hundred times in a short couple of days. "Have some congee, you have lost much weight during the mortal trial."

"Mi Gu, tell me." Feng Jiu whispered. "I enraged His Lordship with my betrayal so much that I killed him. Did I really repay him or just cause more trouble for all?"

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