Chapter 4- DongFeng

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The soul gathering lamp mess re told. Some dialogue is taken straight out of ep 28 of TMOPB.


What was she to do now?

Feng Jiu paced the heavenly streets of the Celestial Palace with the soul gathering lamp in her hands. This had been her worst idea yet, and she had plenty of foolish ideas. Bai Quian had been furious with her; she was return the sacred lamp and apologized. Feng Jiu needed to find a way out of this shameful mess before her Lord Father caught wind of it... but how?

Just as she was beginning to sniff in preparation for an embarrassing crying jag, Feng Jiu spied Si Ming walking down the heavenly street towards. "Little Highness." Si Ming greeted having been alerted by celestial soldiers of Feng Jiu presence in the palace.

"Si Ming." Feng Jiu whined, and Si Ming was alerted to trouble. "I made a mistake."

Si Ming shook his head at her, when was she not in trouble. "What has happened, Little Highness?"

"Si Ming, I took on Su Jin's appearance and stole the soul gathering lamp." Feng Jiu said in a rush.

Si Ming's mouth felt open in shock. "You took on Su Jin's appearance and stole the sacred Soul Gathering Lamp?" He repeated in dismay.

Feng Jiu nodded with unshed tears on her eyes.

"Oh, you have made a mess, Little Highness." Si Ming declared at which point two fat tears rolled down Feng Jiu's face.


Donghua had returned from seclusion with the Buddha. It had been a fabulous disaster; he had been declared unfit to continue his vows and had been disrobe less he disgrace himself. Of course, the Buddha have done this quietly and had not even recorded the true reason for his disrobement. A small pile of intelligence reports had been placed at his feet on his dais, but he found himself unable to pick them up to read.

The Buddha had told him there was still much for him to learn and had prescribe for Donghua to descend to the mortal realm to experience the six tribulations. Donghua had sent word to Si Ming, who was due to arrive at any minute, and as he reached lazily for a scroll, he thought he caught a flash of red in the periphery of his eye. Donghua turned suddenly, expecting to find Feng Jiu in her fox skin only to see it was a red cloth. He stared unblinkingly at the spot where she would curl up next to him as he read. He was obviously going mad, lost in thought, he barely sensed Si Ming's approaching presence.

"Dijun." Si Ming said bowing and seeing His Lordship nod but not looking at him, he continued saying. "I have made arrangement for your mortal trial, Your Lordship. It will be most unpleasant as you have requested."

"The trial is be started today. Bring me the Amnesia Potion from the River of Oblivion." Donghua ordered finding he was suddenly desperately thirsty for the potion.

"Yes, Dijun." Si Ming said and hesitated briefly alerting Donghua.

"Speak." Donghua said tersely.

"Your Lordship knows all. I have something to report." Si Ming said apologetically.

"Get to the point." Donghua said without looking at him.

Breathing in deeply, Si Ming said. "Dijun, the Little Highness recently took on Su Jin's appearance and stole the sacred soul gathering lamp. She came to return it and Third Prince, and I tried pleaded with Crown Prince to let it go but he insists on making a big deal out of it."

Donghua stared at his pile of reports without blinking, Feng Jiu had a knack for getting into the worst sort of trouble. "You mean to tell me a little girl, with no battle experience, snuck inside the Nine Heavens, disguised herself as Lady Su Jin, fooled Crown Prince elite guards and stole the soul gathering lamp without anyone suspecting her at all until she decided to bring it back herself?"

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