Chapter 3- Feng Jiu

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This interaction takes place in between ep 25 and 26 of TMOPB the TV show.


"Of all the foolish things you could have done this one is the worst." Bai Yi said in anger as he paced back and forth while his daughter knelt, her eyes downcast.

"Feng Jiu begs forgiveness from her Lord Father." Feng Jiu said breathing heavily. "Lord Father I was wrong. I should not have gone to Tai Chen Palace to repay my debt to His Lordship."

"Do you know the gossip I have heard?" Bai Yi asked quietly.

"If Lord Father is referring to my serving Dijun as a maid then the gossip is correct." Feng Jiu said and heard her father growl in his throat.

"I only wish it were something so innocent such as that." Bai Yi growled. "There is talk... that you were most favour by Dijun." He spat and Feng Jiu was left confused.

"I... Lord Father, Feng Jiu does not understand-"

"That you graced His Lordship's bed." Bai Yi said in anger and embarrassment.

Feng Jiu gasped in outrage and hot anger. "This are all vicious lies, Lord Father. There has been no untoward behaviour between His Lordship and I." She said hotly looking at her father straight in the eye.

Bai Yi stared at his daughter. "Aye, your grandfather told me that the gossip was impossible. Dijun would never do such a thing."

Feng Jiu felt her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment as she looked at the stone floor of her Aunt's Fox Den. She was an inconvenience to His Lordship and nothing more, it hurt to be reminded of it by her father.

"His Lordship is most just and upright. This gossip is slander of his good name." Feng Jiu said defending Dijun.

Bai Yi looked her over as Feng Jiu said this staring at the floor, there was more to this story of this he was sure. "Your grandfather has vouched for Dijun. His Majesty tells me that Dijun is a monk and has taken vows of celibacy."

Feng Jiu was stunned, she felt hot and cold all over. "Dijun... is a monk?"

"That is correct." Bai Yi affirmed. "The Budha ordained him and my Lord Father tells me that Dijun takes his vows very seriously. This is the reason why he has no wife or active harem."

Understanding dawned on Feng Jiu, her love for Donghua Dijun was impossible, he was forbidden to her. Feng Jiu wanted to cry... but she could not in front of her father, she needed to do so in private. "Feng Jiu did not know this." She finally said as her father appeared to be waiting for a response.

Bai Yi nodded. "You are to stay in Qing Qiu and focus on your studies. I have enrolled you at the University in the capital. You will stay with your grandparents. You will study and shall banish foolish thoughts from your mind."

Feng Jiu was not listening, she wanted to be alone to cry herself silly. "Feng Jiu hears and obeys." She said and waited for her father to walk out of the Fox Den before crumpling to the ground in anguish.

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