Chapter 2- DongFeng

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Author's note; This drabble takes place in between Eternal Love (TMOPB) ep 22 and 23. Remeber this all links back to Faithful Heart.


The phoenix had injured her, but she had not died like she had thought she would in her last moments of consciousness, Dijun had saved her again. Feng Jiu thought as she lay in His Lordship's lap in her fox form, his hand gently caressing her fur. Dijun carried her everywhere with him, she dined with him and slept on his chest during the night. Feng Jiu was in love with Donghua Dijun, he was to be her mated pair she had decided. It thought had come to her when she first had met him in the forest and he had saved her from the Golden Lion but it had not solidified until he had healed her wounds from the phoenix attack.

Feng Jiu raised her head in her fox form and stared at Dijun, the other day His Lordship had drank a bit too much and she had audacity to get near him to kiss his nose. Cheng Yu had told her that Dijun had allowed her to do as such, but Feng Jiu had been confused, he had appeared to her blissfully unaware of what she had done. Her amber fox eyes stared at him with intensity, what would a real kiss feel like?

"Dijun," Feng Jiu thought. "Feng Jiu loves you."

While Feng Jiu thought this the strangest of event occurred, Dijun turned his eyes from his scroll down to her own and looked at her solemnly. Could it be that Dijun read thoughts? Feng Jiu wondered; His Lordship was all powerful after all.

"Dijun, Feng Jiu had decided." She thought as magic suddenly built around them and Dijun looked at her straight in the eyes. "Your Lordship is to be Feng Jiu's mated pair for all lifetimes. Feng Jiu loves you."

As she said this a slight tremor shook Donghua's spine and he understood. The magic of the mating bond that occurred in the Fox Clan had allowed Feng Jiu to overcome his love fate. Feng Jiu loved him, and she would never change her mind.

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