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These feelings hit me,
as I sit here
productivity lost,
thoughts a drift
in a feeling from so long ago.
The idea of standing there with you,
feelings don't mean the same thing anymore.
Not after you.
Why do I want this so badly?
Why am I so caught up on you,
after all this time
I want to run,
to leave here and reach you.
Maybe if I can explain the hollow
deep inside me,
make you understand this pain,
that makes me feel this way;
Empty and cold,
shallow and old.
What is that feeling that flows within me?
I sit my car,
it has a name
on his key
and things on his mirror.
Nicknacks and memories surround me.
Sticker that fell off,
people that came and went,
some here the first day I drove him
that won't even know of his end.
This feeling it flows within me.
As I look at pictures
and lose myself in the memory beyond them.
Time forgets
promises forever broken
but was it all just for nothing?
It hits me the hardest not in faces,
but in the places
of where my love once stood.
Here was something beautiful,
something timeless and amazing.
Here I had envisioned forever.
Now I know the hollow hell
of heartbreak and goodbye.
I know the locations
as a list in my head,
I'm always prepared
and yet I never seem to survive it.
The rush of pleasure before the pain
as I cross the path of places I shouldn't.
what a wickedly beautiful thing.

V. Green

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