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My Mother

My mother used to say,
"I want to be a race car driver
when I grow up."
And to that I would respond
"Mommy, you are a grown up."
What I could comprehend
was that she wasn't done growing,
she grew with me.
As I learned to navigate this world,
so did she
and she did so much more.
Raising a child
to love and be kind always,
while growing and learning by herself
to better prepare for the future unknown,
and protect us both.
Striving to make this world
more beautiful, safe, and secure
for the little girl who eyes shone
like the stars of her mother's.
I didn't appreciate it then,
but I couldn't be more grateful now.
As I struggle and fall down
convincing myself I am a failure,
she sees me for all I am.
She reminds me how much further
I have traveled already than she had,
how much growing I had done
but better yet
had still to do.
So for my mother,
a woman who is a mother
to any who need her
I thank you for being determined
always bettering yourself
those around you,
and thus the world.

V. Green

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