2nd Hour - Choir

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After you and Ferdinand have made it a few feet away from your first hour class he takes to walking beside you

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After you and Ferdinand have made it a few feet away from your first hour class he takes to walking beside you. "Sorry if I interrupted you and Leonora back there in class it just looked like to me and Alberich that she might have had you in a sort of daze. Alberich is the Dwarf who was shouting at us earlier, he's a bit...cómo se dice... crass? He's actually a prince can you believe that? His dad Alberich Sr. is king of the Dwarves. Anyways! We just thought you looked a little uncomfortable, so I wanted to make sure nothing was going on. I mean obviously you're not Human, but you've still got to be careful with Harpies, Sirens, and Sirins. I've heard that Harpies used to lure Humans to death with their hypnotic eyes and good looks. And that some still even eat Humans today. But don't worry I'll be around to protect you ha, ha, ha."

The two of you reach the Art Hall doors and Ferdinand gets the door for you having no trouble pushing it open with one hand. "After you," he says looking to you and following your lead. "Can you believe this thing?" he asks referring to the statue of Unicorn McFeel-Good almost sounding disgusted. "Why would you have something like that displayed in a hallway?" he gives out a snort almost as if he's just a regular bull. But quickly slips back into his polite voice that is lightly flavored with a Spanish accent. "Sorry, I can't stand the idea of someone being so vain that they have a statue built in their honor," he explains as you two pass the statue of Unicorn McFeel-Good. "Arrogance is the fault of man; we creatures shouldn't stoop to their level like that I don't care who you are." Ferdinand takes hold of the choir room door and holds it open for you and a group of other students to enter before joining you inside near the door.

Other students have already taken a seat on the riser that stood encompassing most of the room. There was a grand piano by a doorway in the corner of the room your guess was the doorway led to the teacher's office. There was a massive white board too expanding from one end of the room to the other.

You find a place to sit, and Ferdinand joins you sitting to your left. He takes a gander around the room and says, "I wonder how many of these beautiful women are Sirens." You look around at your classmates Ferdinand hadn't been wrong, there were a lot of regular Human looking girls. There specifically was a group of four of them that sat together all extremely beautiful like something out of make believe or a Stephanie Meyer novel. There were other plain looking girls too, all dressed like they came from the same place as you did. "They pretend they're Human, but they're not," Ferdinand says almost sounding like he was just afraid to be around them. They didn't look all that harmful; the four grouped together were tiny petite things with long hair, one with blonde, another with blue, one with green, and the last with orange. "Do you know about Sirens?" Ferdinand asks looking at you with his big "doe eyes".

"Back in the day Sirens used to sing to lure sailors to them where they would eat them, some still do, there's no law against creatures killing or eating Humans. It's frowned upon, but as long as you don't bring attention to the existence of our world you won't get in trouble." It was hard to pinpoint how Ferdinand felt about them, was he afraid of them? Or did he hate them? Maybe neither maybe he just sounded so grave because they were a big deal.

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