Chapter 2

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Months have passed. The agency's members have gotten used to Dazai hanging out with a Port Mafia member, so as the mafia getting used to their executive meeting up with a member of the Agency. Over time, Chuuya has completely adjusted himself to the new person Dazai has become, he even offered him to move in with him. And Dazai did, they've been living together for a month now.

Everything in the apartment looked like how they were three years ago. Chuuya didn't touch anything of Dazai's, because he knew he would come back. Dazai has changed, but how he treated Chuuya hasn't. He would still whine and tease like a pampered pouty child and in the end get hit for that. That night, they went for a movie. It was something they really missed doing with each other.

Right after Dazai closed the apartment door behind him when they came home, Chuuya leaned closer to him and gave him a long, lingering kiss. Dazai pulled away a little and looked into the ginger head's eyes. ''Well well look who's in the mood today ,'' Chuuya pulled the brunet's collar. ''Juz kiss me already ,''

Dazai smirked and kissed him back. Chuuya slowly stepped backwards, leading Dazai to their bedroom. Dazai started playing with Chuuya's tongue with his, strings of saliva keeping them connected when they pulled away to take off their shirts. Dazai pressed Chuuya down on the sheets and continued kissing him. Not breaking the kiss, Chuuya took off his own pants and moved on to taking off Dazai's.

He took Dazai's cock in his hand and began playing with it, slightly pressing his balls with the tip of his fingers. Dazai moaned softly at the touch. He moved down to kiss Chuuya's neck, scraping his skin gently with his teeth. Then he moved on to Chuuya's nipples, swirling his tongue around them.

Chuuya suddenly pushed Dazai to the side and got above him. He turned to the back and put Dazai's cock into his mouth, coating the skin with warm saliva as he moved his head up and down. Then he felt Dazai grab his, warmth started to embrace it as Dazai put it into his mouth, teasing the tip of it with his warm and soft tongue. Their moaning got muffled by each other's cocks in their mouths.

Then Chuuya turned back around and sat on Dazai's lap. Dazai sat up to kiss him. Chuuya leaned closer and bit Dazai's ear gently, then his jaw. Dazai slipped his finger into Chuuya's butt and moved in and out, making the latter moan a little. Chuuya couldn't take it anymore. He took Dazai's cock under him and inserted it into him. He kissed Dazai and put his arms around the brunet's neck as he started moving slowly back and forth. He started moaning as he felt the pleasure.

Then he pulled away his kiss and started moving up to down, pulling Dazai's cock almost out of him yet filling him all over again. The thrust was amazing, every time he could feel it go deeper inside as he moved faster and faster. ''Ah... ahh... hah...'' Chuuya started moaning, panting out of great pleasure instead of tiredness. More pleasure. ''Oh... aaahhh... yes... yess... hah... aaahhh...'' His moaning got louder as Dazai too started to moan. ''Aahh... Chuuya... '' The warmth of Chuuya's insides embraced his cock, making him craving for more.

Chuuya let himself indulge in the pleasure, the warm cock thrusting into him again and again, hitting his sweet spot every single time. Warm fluid flowed down, small drips splashing out from where they slammed against each other. Dazai held Chuuya's hips and pulled him down, thrusting his cock deep into him and hitting the end. ''Aaaaahhhh !!'' Chuuya couldn't bear the immense pleasure surging through his entire body. His body shook right when it hit deeper than before. He was uncontrollably drooling at the sensation.

Then they changed their position. Chuuya laid on the mattress facing down, his hips up with his knees supporting them. Dazai thrusted his cock into him repeatedly, occasionally slapping Chuuya's butt as he was doing that. ''Hah... haaa... aaahhh...'' They both moaned and panted. Both Chuuya's wrists were held by Dazai behind him, letting his cock to thrust in deeper. Sounds of slapping and them colliding with each other filled the room.

Then Dazai let go of his hands and leaned forward to hug him. ''Chuu... haahh... Chuuya...'' ''Da--Dazai !Aaaaaahhhhh !!'' Their bodies trembled as they both came at the same time. Semen dripped onto the sheets as Dazai finally pulled out. ''Haahh... haahh... haa...'' They were panting heavily after that vigorous activity.

Dazai hugged Chuuya before his chest as they lied on the bed, still slightly panting after some time. ''Dazai, have you ever thought of raising a kid ?'' Chuuya asked. ''Do you want one ?'' Chuuya knew that the brunet didn't like kids, so he waved his own question off. ''No, juz asking ,''


The next morning, Dazai woke Chuuya up, but the sleepy ginger head refused to get off of bed. Then Dazai leaned down to him. ''Chuuya, do you really want a child ?'' Chuuya immediately got wide awake. ''Why ?'' Dazai shrugged. ''I've been thinking the whole night. If you wanna raise a child, I think we can take in the two from yesterday ,'' Dazai had given food to the two kids again the day before. He always did that whenever he dropped by the store.

Chuuya was confused. ''I thought you dislike kids ,'' ''I hate trouble-making brats, those two seem fine to me. The elder one is nine and the baby sister is three, they are pretty young but they don't seem like the ones who yell and scream juz to draw attention ,'' Chuuya's eyes shone with excitement. ''Really ? Will you really take them in ?'' Dazai smiled at his enthusiasm. ''First thing's first, my pay isn't high so you're gonna have to cut your alcohol, it's not doing much good to your health either ,'' Chuuya nodded and grinned. ''Okay ,''


A brown-haired boy walked along the streets, holding his sister's hand in his. The air was cold, winter has already arrived. Then a familiar man walked towards them. He was tall, taller than most people he had seen. The man kneeled down with one knee before them as they stopped. ''Hi kids, I have a question for you ,''

A question ?

''Would you like us to take you in and take care of you ?'' The question was so sudden, so unexpected, but it was the best thing they have ever heard. His sister was thrilled, he was too, but a part of him told him to stay calm and cautious. This man before them has helped them a lot throughout the year, he gave them food, which was something they lacked almost every day. He was really grateful, but all that wasn't enough to prove that the brunet didn't have any other motives.

He looked at his sister, she was already hugging the man's leg, her hazel eyes looking at him expectantly. She was only three, innocent and pure, that's why she was nothing but happy when someone offered them a home. The boy pointed at another man behind the tall one. ''Who is he ?''

Dazai looked at who he was pointing and turned back to him. ''My boyfriend ,'' It was only now that Chuuya took a closer look at the kids. They both have brown hair with a lighter shade than Dazai's, but as for the little girl, her eyes were hazel in hue just like his brunet's, whereas the boy's were black.

The weather was cold, and they were hungry, so the boy thought that they could go with them. But if he felt something off, he would immediately take his sister with him and make a run for it. The boy nodded as he masked his hesitation. ''Okay ,''

Dazai didn't miss any detail, he knew that the boy had some thoughts in his mind. ''What's your name ?'' Chuuya asked. ''Haruka !'' The little girl chirped as she looked up at him. Then Chuuya looked at the boy. ''Haku. Fushimura Haku ,'' Chuuya smiled and introduced himself. ''I'm Nakahara Chuuya, and this is Dazai Osamu ,'' Dazai waved at them before tucking his hands into his pockets again.

Dazai-san... and Nakahara-san.

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