Chapter 5

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When Haku went out the bedroom, Chuuya was putting a blanket on Dazai and Haruka. ''I'm off to work, bye ,'' He whispered. ''Take care ,'' After brushing his teeth, Haku was hungry, but he didn't want to disturb the sleeping two, so he left a note and went out to buy breakfast. Before he could notice, he and his sister have been under their care for almost two weeks. Dazai and Chuuya were young, but they did quite a good job taking care of them. They tried their best to make them feel comfortable and had emphasized many times that they could leave if they want to.

They would play around with each other like kids, teasing, yelling, pouting, hitting, but it was obvious that they really cared for each other, and that they had thought it through before taking them under their wing, not just a sudden thought brought to action.

Mom, we've found a new home, so don't worry, we're okay.


By the time he got back, they had been awake. They ate their breakfast after greeting each other. ''I think I should get you a phone, it's dangerous when you go out alone without a way to contact others ,'' Then his ringtone rang with the words 'Noisy Mom' written on it. Dazai ignored it. ''Dazai-san, why aren't you answering your mom's call ?'' Dazai put up a complaining face. ''That's not my mom, it's my partner. He had to be calling me to remind me of work, telling me that I have paperwork, he's so a 'mom' ,''

''Is he so kind to remind you every day ?'' Dazai had a childish grin. ''No, it's because I only show up to work after at least two hours ,'' He held his chin and thought while saying. ''Kunikida-kun will yell at me holding up his notebook full of ideals that he's written ,'' Then a sly smirk spread across his face. ''He'll be so focused on me that he won't notice his notebook missing, then I'll be able to see whatever's written in it~''

Uh... poor Kunikida-san...

''Right, you wanna come with me? You can make friends with the people there ,'' Haku hesitated. ''Is it really okay? That's your workplace ,'' Dazai shrugged. ''It's fine, the agency is a casual place, they only have paperwork to do when nothing happens ,''


''Dazai you suicide maniac! So you've finally decided to come huh?! Well CONGRATULATIONS ON BREAKING THE RECORD !!'' Kunikida stomped towards Dazai as soon as they arrived. He harshly pointed at his watch. ''THREE HOURS !!'' Then he raised up his notebook up to his shoulder. ''According to my ideals, I've given you more time than TWO HOURS, AND YOU SOMEHOW MANAGED TO DESTROY MY TIME SCHEDULE LIKE IT'S NOTHING !!'' He continued yelling at the brunet.

Haku looked at Dazai, he was smiling like nothing was happening with his hand slowly approaching the notebook in Kunikida's hand. ''And what is this ?!'' Kunikida seemed to finally notice the kids' presence. ''My kids ,'' Dazai replied. Kunikida froze in place. Then a harsh slap from above came down on the brunet's head. ''YOUR KIDS ?! STOP THAT CRAP !'' He kneeled down to meet Haku's eye level. ''Did this piece of trash threaten you? If so juz tell me, I'll get rid of him right away ah--'' Little hands pinched his cheeks.

It was Haruka. She had been standing behind Dazai. ''Only Papa can hit Daddy !'' ''Let g--'' Kunikida couldn't break free of her stubborn pinch. ''Haruka, let go !'' Haruka finally let go when Haku asked to. She pouted and glared at Kunikida, whom stood up covering his own cheeks and stared at the still smiling Dazai. ''Are they really your kids ?'' Dazai nodded, then he spoke. ''Well to be precise, we took them in ,'' Kunikida slapped his own forehead. ''Poor kids, can't believe they have to live with this human ,''

''Waaa kidsss! You want cookies ?'' A boy a few years older than Haku approached them with a box of cookies in his hand. Another one with orange hair followed behind him. ''Dazai-san, I didn't know you have ki--'' ''Oniiii-sama~~'' A girl with black hair pounced onto him, her finger circling around his chest. ''Na--Naomi! Stop it! There are kids here ,'' The kids stared at the three people grouped before them. ''This is Kenji, this is Tanizaki, and Naomi ,'' Dazai introduced.

''Kenji, you're the youngest here, bet you can get along with them, do you mind taking care of them till lunchtime ?'' ''No problem !'' Kenji chirped with a smile. ''I'll go with you ,'' Tanizaki offered. ''If Onii-sama is going, I'm going~'' ''Naomi I don't think that's a good idea ,'' Naomi looked at him with puppy eyes. ''Aaaa Onii-sama~'' Kunikida couldn't bear the noise anymore. ''Naomi !'' The girl in school uniform finally gave up. ''Come on we'll show you around ,''

They walked around the office building and came across a woman with dark violet hair and an old-looking man with traditional clothes. ''Who's kids are these ?'' The man spoke. ''They're Dazai-san's, Chief ,'' The man nodded. ''I see, that young man's been working hard ,'' The woman frowned. ''I'm Yosano, the doctor in this agency ,'' She bent down. ''Can that Dazai manage? You okay ?'' Haku nodded. ''Dazai-san and Chuuya-san treat us well ,'' She raised an eyebrow. ''Glad to hear that ,'' Her doubtful expression didn't fade away.

They continued walking around. ''Kenji-san, how is Dazai-san at work ?'' Kenji thought for a while. ''He doesn't do his paperwork, always lays on the couch with his headphone on. And he pranks Kunikida-san, always messing with his ideals, making him very angry ,'' Tanizaki laughed. ''But when he's being serious, he's actually really intelligent, I've never seen someone so smart and wise. He may look like an idler waiting for his pay, but underneath all that silly act, he's actually an unreplaceable strength to us ,'' Kenji nodded with affirmation.

''Then what about Chuuya-san? Don't you mind that he's with the bad guys ?'' Tanizaki shook his head. ''At first we could hardly accept, but as time went by we got to know better about him and how he's with Dazai-san, he's surprisingly nice as a member of the mafia. We've gotten used to their relationship by now ,''

Haku listened attentively to the two teenagers, then Haruka suddenly pulled his hand. ''Nii-san I'm hungry ,'' ''Let's go to the cafe downstairs, it's almost lunchtime, I think the other members will be there soon ,'' Kenji suggested.


They sat in one of the booths. ''Where's Daddy ?'' ''Dazai-san will be here soon, ah, there, they're here ,'' The rest of the members entered the cafe. Haruka grinned cheerfully and stretched out her hands to Dazai. ''Daddy !'' Tanizaki got pulled to another booth by Naomi, so Kenji alone sat across Dazai and the kids. ''How'd it go ?'' Dazai asked. ''It's great! Haku seems to be interested in how the agency works and our relation with the mafia ,'' Then Haruka spoke. ''They said that Daddy is lazy ,'' Dazai made a childish face. ''That's mean~ I juz don't wanna do meaningless paperwork ,''

After meal, the waitress came up to them for the bill. She smiled expectantly at Dazai after Kenji had paid his share, then Dazai held her hand like holding a queen's. ''Follow your heart, beauty, quit your job and commit a double suicide with me ,'' He spoke with a tone like those confessing their love in a theatre show. ''I am following my heart, now please clear the amount you owe us thank yo--'' ''Ah my beautiful lady, I have always wanted to commit suicide with someone as beautiful as y--'' A palm smacked his face while pushing him away. ''Here, sorry for the trouble caused by this piece of trash ,''

Kunikida paid for Dazai. The waitress took the money and smiled at them. ''Thank you, please come again ,'' Then Kunikida dragged the brunet out of the cafe by the back of his collar, half strangling him.

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