Chapter 4

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The kids just stared at the scene before them. It was filled with many colours, lights, the crowd, it was merry. ''Let's go ,'' Chuuya held Dazai's hand, the latter holding Haruka's. They went to a stall where you shoot down empty cans and win prizes. Haruka softly pulled Dazai's finger. ''Daddy I want that bunny ,'' She pointed to a light blue bunny plushy, so Dazai got it for her with just one shot. ''Here you go ,'' Haruka hugged the bunny in her arms tightly, smiling as she stroke it's soft fabric.

''Haku, do you want anything ?'' Haku shook his head. Then Dazai saw something. ''Chuuya! Chuuya! Let's get ice cream !'' Chuuya pinched both sides of Dazai's cheeks. ''You really love ice cream as always do you ?'' Dazai responded with a child-like grin. He got mint chocolate flavor, Chuuya got himself a strawberry one, whereas the kids each got a chocolate-flavored one. Whenever Haruka got ice cream on her nose, Haku would help her wipe it off.

They went to many stalls, it was really fun. Then Chuuya asked. ''Are you afraid of heights ?'' Haku shook his head. ''I'm not, but I don't know about Haruka, she's never been to higher places ,'' Chuuya hummed as he thought for a moment. ''We could give it a try tho, do you wanna ride the ferris wheel ?'' And so they went.

The kids sat across them. Then the cabin started moving. Haruka was startled, she got off her seat. ''Haruka ?'' Haku didn't know what she was doing. She went across and climbed up to the empty space,then she hugged Dazai's arm with both hands.

You really like him don't you ?

Dazai stoke her head. ''You scared ?'' Haruka lifted up her head and nodded to him. Dazai smiled as he reassured the frightened little child. ''Don't be, look, isn't it beautiful out there ?'' Haruka looked at where Dazai was pointing, taking in all the colours with her curious eyes. Haku followed her gaze, lights painted the clouds in the sky with various colours. The cabin continued moving, the lights beneath eventually went out of their sight, but now they could see further, they could see the night lights of the city of Yokohama. It was beautiful.

The cabin moved slowly, like it was giving them all the time they wanted to admire the scenery. Then a while after, Chuuya felt something lean on his shoulder. It was Dazai, he had fallen asleep. ''Dazai-s--'' ''Shh...'' Chuuya hushed softly and whispered. ''Let him be, he hardly gets any sleep ,'' Haku started whispering too. ''Why ?'' Chuuya tucked Dazai's hair behind his ear as he explained. ''His sleep pattern is irregular, so he doesn't sleep every day, he always gets headaches because of that ,'' Haruka just stared at the sleeping brunet with her always curious eyes.

The way Chuuya looked at his brunet was soft and gentle, Haku could see that. The unbreakable bond and love between the two before him was heartfelt. Haku was touched by this warmth. It has been three days since they started living with them. They have always tried their best to make them feel comfortable. He felt lucky and really grateful towards them. After a year living on the streets, someone was willing to take them in and take care of them, he could even get a chance to go back to school. Maybe it was a dream come true, a new home, loving parents, a happy family.

Haku didn't have to be the one always taking care of others anymore. He could barely remember how it felt to be taken care of, all he remembered from his biological parents was his father beating and his mother crying. But with Dazai and Chuuya, he found that feeling again.


They brought them to walk around the streets. Haruka was always glued with Dazai, to the extent where Haku sometimes doubted if she remembered she had a brother. Occasionally, Chuuya would rub his hands. Then Dazai stopped, he took Chuuya's hands in his and breathed warm air to them. ''You've forgotten to bring your gloves didn't you dummy ?'' Chuuya blushed a little. Dazai took off his gloves and helped Chuuya wear them. ''These should keep your short fingers warm ,'' ''But what about you, don't you feel cold ?'' Dazai put his hands on Chuuya's shoulders. ''And whose fault is it ?''

Chuuya chuckled lightly and punched Dazai's chest. Dazai chuckled too. Then his phone rang. ''Dazai, we've found the location, they are all ability users, we need you here ,'' Dazai turned to Chuuya. ''Alright, send me the address, I'll be there ,'' ''Be careful ,'' Dazai nodded and bent down to pat Haku's head. ''I'll be back late ,'' Haku nodded, then Haruka pulled Dazai's hand to pat her. He kissed Chuuya's forehead before rushing off.

''Welp, how about the bookstore ?'' ''Umm I don't really like books ,'' But Haruka pouted at him. She hasn't gone to school yet, but Haku would teach her some words with books given by some graduated students, and she liked learning. Chuuya chuckled. ''Maybe accompany her ,''

Haruka went walking around the bookstore exploring the aisles with tall bookshelves everywhere. She was so active and quick that Haku could barely keep up with her. She finally stopped, her little finger pointing at a story book on the shelf. Chuuya took it down for her. ''This book ?'' Haruka nodded and took it from him. She briefly flipped through it. ''Can we buy ?'' She looked up at him. ''Sure ,''

They continued walking. Haruka has chosen five story books, whereas Chuuya took a few pens for paperwork use. ''Chuuya-san, you work for the mafia right? And Dazai-san works for a detective agency. How did you end up being together ?'' Chuuya looked down to the floor and smiled. ''Dazai was a member of the mafia too, three years ago. That idiot was a key member to it. He was the youngest executive in history who earned most of the mafia's assets. Even in the mafia, there wasn't anyone who didn't fear him ,''

Haku was shocked to hear all that. ''But he's a detective now, how ?'' Chuuya looked like he recalled of something. ''He's changed a lot, the Dazai you know now is different from how he was back then ,'' Haku processed for a while. ''Did you be with him after he had changed ?'' Chuuya shook his head. ''We've been together since sixteen, we had been partners since a year before that. Then when we were eighteen, Dazai left the mafia and disappeared for two years, he only joined the agency this year ,''

Haku listened to Chuuya in silence. The adult had a smile when he was talking about their past, a smile like he felt comfort, and at the same time proud of something. ''You said that he disappeared for two years, what have he done during that time ?'' He asked. ''I dunno, but he's happier now, that's all that matters ,''


Haku quietly went into the bedroom. Haruka had been tucked in about half an hour ago, she was sleeping with both her bunny and dolphin plushy in her arms. Chuuya bought them each a dolphin plushy, they looked like a family when put with the ones Dazai and Chuuya owned. ''Haruka, why are you still awake ?'' Haruka opened her eyes as soon as Haku went in. Then the sound of the apartment door being opened could be heard. ''Dazai, you okay ?'' It was Chuuya's voice. Haruka sat up.

''I'm fine, you should go to bed, you have to work tomorrow right? Are they asleep ?'' ''I think so, are you sure you're fine on your own ?'' ''There's nothing to worry about. You look tired, Chibi, you should go to bed ,'' ''Okayyy, g'night ,'' ''Good night ,'' Haruka got off her bed after a while and went out. Haku followed her. Dazai was taking a bath, then he saw them when he came out. ''Looks like you're wide awake ,'' He limped towards them. ''Dazai-san, are you hurt ?'' Dazai reassured him. ''It's no big deal, I'll be fine. Why did you two come out? What's wrong ?''

Haku raised one of her books at him. ''Story ,'' Dazai took the book from her. ''... Snow White...'' He looked like he was thinking of something, something in the past. ''Haku do you wanna go to bed first ?'' Haku nodded and said his 'good night' before entering the room again. Dazai lied on the couch leaning his back against the side of it with Haruka sitting on his laps. He held the storybook before her, his arms surrounding her. Haruka listened as she asked Dazai how some of the words were read, then she eventually fell asleep. Dazai smiled before putting the book down.

Good night.

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